
Well, the regular entry-writing worked for a while… Didn’t take long for it to stop though. Oh well, let’s try again.

Haven’t got much to catch up on, just thought I’d check in quickly. Shall we try bullet points for a change?

  • teaching myself to touch type again – going pretty well
  • losing weight/exercising isn’t happening at all, but can’t really find the energy to care
  • looking forward to the 4 day weekend, but sick of all the OTT patriotism everywhere
  • had brilliant weather for a few weeks, but now back to miserable rubbish again – was that summer?
  • moved to my new team at work – people are better than expected, but work is boring as hell
  • got told today that we’re getting a new team leader – Scott (my old team leader), so very pleased about that
  • got invited to lunch with the guy who is ‘Head of UK Operations’ yesterday, so that was good, but a bit surreal – didn’t really feel important enough to be there!
  • considering going home this weekend, but train tickets are £60 each for a return – ridiculous!
  • Tom’s last exam is tomorrow and then his post grad course is completely over
  • friends from home should be coming to visit next weekend
  • going to Birmingham the weekend after to meet up with uni friends
  • it’s June! how did that happen??

And I think that’s about it! My exciting life…

I’ll try not to leave it so long next time.

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July 16, 2012

it’s almost AUGUST! time to write again!