
I think I may actually be quite content at the moment. Admittedly, my life is fairly boring, but I’m feeling fairly positive about it. My diet seems to have started working and I’ve lost a bit of weight now, which makes me very happy (I never thought I’d be pleased to weigh 7 stone 11 lol). It’s quite a slow process as mum cooks my evening meals so I don’t have much choice in what I eat for dinner, but I’ve been trying to make healthy choices – having yoghurts and fruit for snacks, cutting out sweets and fizzy drinks, etc. I went out for a meal with Tom last night so that probably hasn’t helped (I must admit I haven’t weighed myself today lol), but it was worth it. We had a lovely time especially as it seemed like forever since we’d done something like that. Unfortunately I had to stay up way past my bedtime so was quite tired and grumpy by the end, but I did get to stay at Tom’s last night, which was very nice. He’s at work at the moment, but is coming round tonight and then staying the night, and then I’m hopefully cooking him lunch tomorrow before he goes to work in the afternoon/evening. So it looks like I’m actually going to see quite a lot of my boyfriend this weekend, which will make a very nice change.

I ordered a cookery book off amazon and it’s really good. It has 1000 different recipes in it, a lot of which I think I may actually be able to cook lol. It also has loads of really nice looking desserts, which I cannot make because I cannot eat them. I did cook for Tom last weekend; I made macaroni cheese and it was a success. It was actually really nice even though it seemed it was going to be a disaster at quite a few different points during the cooking process. (If you hadn’t guessed, I’m trying to learn to cook a bit as there are only really a few things that I can cook from scratch – plus it’s on my 101-1001 list).

Work has been mostly fine. It’s still a bit up and down, but I find that at the moment I am mostly happy with it. It’s difficult sometimes because I’m still learning, and whenever I start to think I’m getting to grips with it, I make a stupid mistake, or do something wrong, and realise that I’ve still got a long way to go. I have got a lot better though – I can’t believe I’ve been there for 5 months!

I signed up to do the Race For Life today. I think I’ll start jogging again soon, as it’d be nice to do something other than walk it. I have no idea if I’m anywhere near fit enough to run 5k; I think it’d be quite an achievement if I did jog all the way, but I’m guessing the chances are that I won’t be able to at all lol. Oh well, a girl can dream.

I guess our friends will be home soon for easter. I’m looking forward to seeing them, but it’s going to be strange having to go to work every day while they’re here. Hopefully I still get to see them a lot though.

I really can’t think of anything else to say so I think I’ll go xxx


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March 15, 2009

Glad to hear you are feeling happy and positive. Things sounds like they’re going good. <3

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