domestic goddess

We’ve moved!

Actually, we’ve been here over a month now. I love it! It’s been going so well. It really feels like home already, and I love living with Tom (at last). Everything seems to be going pretty smoothly as well – no money worries or anything as yet.

I have also become housewife extraordinaire since we’ve been here. I do lots of cooking, all the cleaning, laundry, ironing, etc. I’ve also been baking cakes every weekend. I’m working my way through a book. So far I’ve made Victoria sponge, chocolate fudge cake, coffee and walnut cake, sticky toffee cake, scones, and carrot cake. It’s going quite well – no disasters yet anyway. And I’ve been taking the leftovers into work so I’m very popular at the moment.

Emma’s had her baby now. She went into labour last week, a week early, so they had to rush her in for an emergency c-section. Hopefully she’ll bring him in to see us soon. Gail (Emma’s cover) is doing really well – much better now that I’m teaching her instead of Emma! And Steve keeps saying how well I’m doing, which is nice. Plus Gail thinks I’m amazing, a really good teacher, etc.

Nothing else is really new with me at the moment. Still looking for a new job, but it’s a lot easier being where I am at the moment, knowing I’ve got a nice long break until Emma’s maternity leave is over! Still doing my course, but having to do it over 24 weeks now as I’ve missed the first hand-in date. I never seem to be able to find time to do it at the moment – no idea why! Tom keeps talking about wanting to leave his job, but don’t know if he really ever will. My parents have sold the little house, and Tom’s parents are moving to Switzerland so soon I suppose there won’t be that much keeping us around here. Apart from our jobs, which we both want to change, so maybe that’ll give us the incentive to do something about it. Who knows.

And I think I’ve run out of things to say already.


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April 26, 2010

That’s awesome! I think it’s really cool you’re working your way through the book too. Post some of your bests! Lets see pictures! <3