Christmas Continued

You know the drill by now. Another 15 minute entry coming up.

I was talking about what we did over Christmas. Like I said, we spent most of the time with Tom’s family. We spent Christmas day at his parents house with his sister and uncle and grandma, had some delicious food, watched some tv, played some games, and generally had a lovely time. Everyone got some brilliant presents. Tom’s parents actually bought me a food processor, which was a very unexpected, but fantastic present. It was something I’d been after for a while, to use for various things when I’m baking, but I’d never bought myself one as they’re too expensive, and I didn’t think I really needed it. So it was a brilliant surprise to receive one for Christmas. It’s been great as well, it has to live in its box most of the time as there’s no room for it in the kitchen lol, but it’s been really useful for making pastry, breadcrumbs, chopping/grinding nuts, crushing biscuits, etc, so overall I was very pleased with that! Tom bought me an amazon voucher to buy books for my kindle, plus chocolates and a few games for my wii (have I mentioned I bought myself a wii? I bought myself a wii!). So Christmas day was lovely, and then on boxing day we went to Cheltenham to Tom’s auntie and uncle and had lunch there, and again played lots of games, exchanged secret Santa presents, and things like that, so another good day. The day after that we drove up to Tibshelf, which is where my parents are now living, and spent the day with them. Again, we exchanged presents, had lunch and played games together, and had another lovely day, and then came back to Sheffield in the evening, as I was back at work the next day.

So that was my Christmas break, short but sweet. It was a shame I didn’t get a few more days off work, but we still had a lovely time. Then the week after that we went back to Malvern again for New Years Eve celebrations. As usual with our friends, we didn’t know what we were doing until the very last minute, but ended up going round to Westy’s house. As usual, his mum had cooked us a feast, which was amazing, and then we spent a very tame (but fun) evening, sitting around playing games (wow, theme developing here eh?). We drank a bit, but no-one was really that drunk, and once again nearly missed midnight because we were too busy trying to tune the radio so we could sing along to Auld Lang Syne (sp?). But again, had a lovely time, it was really good to see our friends as we’d missed them a few times over Christmas, what with all the family-ness. Tom and I were given special treatment as usual what with being the only couple in our group and allowed to sleep in Westy’s bed, and then Chris very kindly gave us a lift back up to Sheffield.



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