
I’ve been meaning to write in here for so long, but I’m just too lazy and useless to do it. I haven’t even written about Christmas, and will do so now, although I’m sure everyone is long past caring.

So, I broke up from work on the 23rd; it was a good day, we had breakfast all together in the factory, did hardly any work, and got to go home at lunch time. I got home to find Mum putting up the Christmas tree at last (we like to leave it late in our family). The rest of that day and the whole of Christmas Eve was spent decorating and wrapping presents. Christmas itself was lovely; it was just a small family affair with me, Mum and Dad. I got lots of lovely presents from my parents, best of all probably being a pink Nintendo DS (I’m such a child), although I did get a lovely handmade crib board from Daddy. We enjoyed Mum’s marvelous cooking, and played lots of games (about the only time of the year that our family does so). In the evening I went up to Tom’s house. He had been working all day, and was working a split shift on Boxing Day when I would normally go up, so it was the only real chance for us to see each other. We swapped presents, and Tom seemed to like my selection of randomness, which included lego, a selection of the sweets he always steals from my house, and a mug on which a photo of us appears when it heats up. He got me brilliant presents – the complete boxset of Blackadder, which I like but have never seen that much of, a new mouse as mine was dying, and a huuuge book containing all three books of Lord of The Rings.

The next exciting day was the 27th, which was my work’s Christmas do. Tom came with me and we went to a 50s and 60s night at this carvery place. The food was actually really good, and so was the music; I actually recognised quite a lot of the music and had a good night. I wasn’t drinking, but everyone else got drunk, especially Jane, our accounts lady, who was absolutely off her face.

The rest of my time off was spent seeing my friends, which was nice as I hadn’t seen them since I started my job. New Year’s Eve we spent at Kyle and Ffion’s house as is traditional. We had a nice meal, and them played games and just had fun. We danced like maniacs and played Musical Statues, and MarioKart on the Wii, and it was generally a really good night, except that I felt sick in the night and didn’t get much sleep .

I was dreading going back to work as I’d enjoyed my time off so much, but it hasn’t been so bad. For the most part I enjoy my job and like the people I work with, but sometimes I get a bit upset because of one girl I work with. I feel like she makes everything my fault and is always trying to show how much better at her job she is than me. It’s a bit rubbish as I feel she undermines me in front of our colleagues, and sometimes in front of customers. It does get me down sometimes, but I try not to let it as I know it really only comes from her own insecurities. Apart from that, work is going just fine.

I have a new laptop, which is fit. It was a late Christmas present from my parents; I haven’t had it very long, but it’s great so far. I did need a new one really as mine was getting so old and slow.

It is mine and Tom’s anniversary tomorrow. We’ve been going out for 6 years – where did that time go? We’re going to Dublin for a few days next week to celebrate – I can’t wait! We’re staying in a posh hotel right in Temple Bar – eep! I think it’s going to be amazing. I’m going into town today to get some Euros and try and find a guide book so we can work out where we want to go. The Guinness museum and Dublin Zoo seem like musts at the moment, but hopefully I can convince Tom to visit a theatre as well!

Well, I think I’ve just about exhausted everything I wanted to say, and I’m going to have my hair cut soon, so I should probably go.

Kisses xxx

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