busy week

This week I have done something socially every day from Monday to Friday. It may not sound much, but it almost never happens to me, so I thought I had better document it here. Monday we went to see Inception at the cinema, which I thought was really good – I thoroughly enjoyed it. Tuesday, Chris came back from Sheffield for a few days and we went to the pub quiz at our local. It was fun, but difficult, and we did terribly. Wednesday, Tom had to work, but Ffion, Chris and I went to the theatre in the evening. We saw The Man From Stratford, which was a performance by Simon Callow all about Shakespeare. It was very good, and we all got free tickets. On Thursday, as Chris was still around and Tom and Ffion both happened to have the day off, I took the day off work as well. We went out to lunch (ish – it was about 3 by the time we eventually got there) at Mrs Muffins in Ledbury, which was lovely. Then we came back to ours and bummed around for the rest of the day. Ben came round straight from work, and we ended up going to see Toy Story 3 in the evening, which was brilliant – I definitely recommend it! And last night we went to a beer festival at a local pub. I hate beer (and festivals really) so it wasn’t especially great for me, but the boys had a nice time sampling different pints, and it was ok really, I was just tired and cold.

So that was my week, and most exciting it was too! I can’t imagine much will happen this weekend, although I have baked a cake (marbled chocolate and vanilla loaf this week) and Tom is off tomorrow in the daytime so the plan is to have a roast lunch as we don’t normally have the chance. I think friends wanted to go out for lunch though so we shall see.

In other news, I have finally completed my accounting course, thank god. I handed in my end of course assessment about a week ago, and despite a little crisis where it stopped balancing and it took me about an hour to figure out why, I think it’s now more or less correct, and am hopeful of passing. I’m glad it’s over, I didn’t really enjoy it, but never mind, it’ll look good on my CV (assuming I do pass). Now I just have to decide what to do next! Too much choice…

Tom still hasn’t heard back from Sheffield about his law course, so we still don’t know if we’ll be moving or not. It’s getting a bit stressful as it doesn’t give us much time to sort everything out, and we just want to know either way really. Hope he gets in though! I can see no reason why he wouldn’t be accepted, but it’s a bit crap he still hasn’t heard anything after so long.

I’m trying to think of ways to make money out of my cakes. I’ve baked something every weekend except one since we’ve been in the flat, and most weeks I bake more than once, and I’ve been really enjoying it. I also get a lot of compliments about it and I’m beginning to think that maybe I am quite good at it. I might try baking a load and taking them to a carboot sale and seeing how they do. Ideally, I’d like a little shop, which is really just a pipe dream, but I told Tom about it and he didn’t laugh at me or seem to think I was being silly at all. I don’t know. Maybe one day…

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July 24, 2010

Sounds like an awesome week! Exhausting, but very nice. Did you like Inception? It’s my absolute favorite movie now. Post pictures of your cakes!!! I was thinking of going back to school for a cert in pastry arts because I love baking, but can’t make them look nice to save my life! What an awesome skill! <3