Back to Work

It’s the last day of my week off today, so I’m back to work tomorrow, and thought I would write a quick entry before then. I’ve had a good week off, but quite looking forward to going back, although I’m not quite sure what I’ll be going back to. I’m not really sure where I should go tomorrow morning – if I just go and join my new team, or if I might still be in my old position, or if I’m meant to wait to be told… So that will be interesting to find out, and I don’t really know what to expect.

I’m feeling quite good – my hair looks good now, and I love my new nails (although I think they’ll only last a day or so more), and I’ve bought some nice new clothes. I need to lose weight again (I’m so bad at actually keeping the weight off – I think I just like food too much, or food that’s bad for me anyway), but I’m starting that from today. I’m going to try and exercise every day as much as I can, start doing C25k again (actually did that this week, but only one day as it rained almost constantly), start recording what I’m eating (not really calorie counting, but I definitely find it helps – I’m much less likely to eat a tub of ice cream if I know I’ve got to write down that I’ve eaten it), and start weighing myself again. I weighed myself this morning for the first time in ages, and it wasn’t pretty, but I think I needed to see those numbers to motivate myself. So hopefully that will all change and I’ll manage to shift some of it, rather than just buying clothes the next size up as I have been for the last few months, lol. I’ve generally been trying to take better care of myself, making an effort to wear makeup regularly, take more time choosing what I wear and doing my hair, etc. so hopfully that will all make a difference as well. Which is all very shallow, but I do feel better if I look better, I must admit.

I haven’t got much more to write about really – I’ve already updated on the little I did this week. I also spent a lot of my time reading (Tom and I are both reading and watching Game of Thrones at the moment) and sewing (finished my cross stitch today and it looks great – probably start a new one tonight). I want to buy a new laptop as this one is a bit old and slow now, and there’s a very important PC game coming out in mid-May and I don’t think my current laptop will run it (this is very geeky, but I really want to play the game and have been waiting for it to come out for about 2 years now lol). So I want to buy a new one some time this month, but I’m not sure what to get. Hopefully Tom will help me work it out.

Umm, yeah, I think that’s about it. Catch you later xxx

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