
Tom has abandoned me – he’s gone camping for the weekend with our friends. I don’t do camping, so here I am, all alone. He left yesterday evening – it’s very strange being in the flat without him.

I’m going to go and see Mum tomorrow and stay the night with her so that should be nice. Dad’s gone away for the week so he won’t be about which is a shame, but at least it gives me a good excuse to see them again soon. We really don’t see each other enough considering how close we now live.

In exciting news, I have a new job. It’s at the same place, doing roughly the same role, but in a different department. And it’s permanent. And it’s a promotion. So yay for me! It’s all happened very quickly. I only had the interview two weeks ago and I’m already in the new role. Well, officially I start on 2nd September, but I’ve been sitting with my new team since Wednesday. My main role will be process training, but as I do not yet know any of the processes, I have a lot of learning to do. One of the biggest difficulties of training is when you have to train someone who thinks they know it all better than you, so at the moment my primary aim is to get myself to a stage where they wouldn’t be justified in thinking that! I’m quite enjoying it actually – I love to learn new things. I have filled pages and pages with notes and I do seem to be taking it in – so far so good! Everyone on the new team seems really lovely, but being quite socially backwards I am as usual struggling to make friends, but that will hopefully improve when I’ve been there a bit longer. And I am doing other bits and pieces as well as learning – today I helped someone with their CV, and I’m still doing bits for my old department, so I’m being kept busy. I’m really enjoying it so far.

Had my mid-year review recently and got an awesome grade. As I’ve just had a promotion I’m unlikely to get to year end with the same grade, but right now I am very proud of myself. I couldn’t believe it when I was told what I’d got!

Tom and I are still saving for the wedding with no date in sight, but now that we both have new jobs hopefully the saving should go a little less painfully slowly. I also convinced Tom to come to a wedding fair with me in September, which I am very excited about. We’re obviously not at the stage of buying anything or making any big decisions yet, but hopefully it will give us a few ideas.

I think I need to find a new hobby. I really have no friends of my own, just friends that I share with Tom, and I really think I could do with meeting some new people. I’m trying to find a good way to do that (preferably one that doesn’t cost money), but being a social retard with a tendency to overthink everything doesn’t help with this sort of aim, so I’m not sure what to go for really. I want to make myself less boring. My hobbies really are reading and watching TV, which is really just so painfully dull that I even bore myself!

I’ve been trying to lose weight, which was going well, but now seems to have stopped. Not sure why as I’m not doing anything different, so I guess I’ve just hit some kind of plateau. Guess I should try doing some exercise – that’d probably help.

We’ve really been struggling for money the last few months. This month and last month, I’ve really been counting down the days until I get paid, which is really not like me. I’m not sure quite what’s gone wrong, but I hope things get better – they should do, especially next month when my new pay kicks in. I’m actually going to be earning enough to start paying back my student loan – that’ll be strange!

And… that’s about it…


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August 16, 2013

Yay, a new entry ! 🙂 I hope you’re able to keep yourself busy while Tom is away. I know how it feels though . . the thought of even spending one night without Brandon terrifies me. Congrats on the new job ! And the awesome grade on your yearly review, that’s amazing. 🙂 I hope you continue to enjoy your new role.

August 20, 2013

ryn: thank youuu ! I’m not really sure how it went. I survived it anyways. 🙂

August 21, 2013

ryn: I hope so ! Thank you. xx

September 6, 2013


September 23, 2013

ryn: thank you lovely ! 😀 How is everything going with you? You need to write soon, haha ! xx

December 11, 2013

ryn: I was never going to remove you. 🙂 I just had a few favourites who no longer commented and I had a (married) male favourite who approached me in an inappropriate manner so I wanted to put the warning out there subtly.

December 29, 2013

I didn’t end up writing the letter like I had intended. I figured there was no point because they weren’t nice people anyways, and I wasn’t looking for a fight. I am feeling MUCH better now though, thank you. 🙂 How was your Christmas? x

December 30, 2013

ryn: I’m so, so nervous for P90X, but have you seen before/after photos of people who have done it? They’re amazing and I’m so jealous. Do you have any resolutions for the new year? How is your job/new role going? 🙂

January 25, 2014

ryn: thanks hun. 🙂