
76 – Wear my hair a different way every day for a week.

This was a surprisingly difficult task for me. I have long brown hair, which tends to be quite difficult because it is naturally quite frizzy and fluffy. It looks alright once I’ve straightened it, but I don’t tend to make much of an effort with it – I either wear it down or tie it back. Especially at work, I pretty much only do two things with it – if I’ve washed it the night before I have it down, if not I tie it up. So that was what I did Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday I had to walk into work because of the snow, so more out of necessity than anything I tied my hair up in a kind of scruffy bun. I always like my hair like that, but find it difficult to get it right and stop it from just collapsing, etc. but on Wednesday it seemed to work just right. On Thursday I tied my hair in a low ponytail and then plaited it, which looked quite nice, but I always think plaits tend to make me look very young. On Friday I left most of my hair down and tied a small bit back, which actually looked really pretty if I do say so myself (even though my boyfriend didn’t even notice it!). Yesterday I had it in two plaited pigtails (again, looked too young), and today it is unstraightened and left down, but with a headband. So there you have it. This would have been much more interesting with pictures but there you go!

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