
50 – Become competent at ironing.

I know this must seem like a very silly task to a lot of people, but until very recently I had never ironed anything in my life. To be honest, in my house, no-one really uses the iron, and I’ve always been of the opinion that tumble-drying pretty much does the job anyway. However, now that I’ve started my job and I’m wearing shirts a lot, ironing began to seem more necessary. So I had to get my mum to teach me lol. I had my first lesson just before my interview for my job, and now I’ve been doing my own ironing for almost 2 months(!) I did have a problem with how to measure competency, but I think I’m probably there now. My clothes do look better than before I’ve ironed them, and I’m now ironing more creases out than I’m ironing in, which is a definite improvement. So overall, I would say I’m competent. Aw, I feel so grown up!

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