Your opinion is desired

Here’s the situation:

I interviewed for a new job.  I didn’t tell my boss that I was going on interviews.  Today she somehow found out.  She’s really mad at me for not telling her in advance. 

(I didn’t want to tell her because the last time someone left, she started bad-mouthing her the minute it was announced.  She made this young woman’s last weeks torturous.  Feel free to decline to consider this if you wish.)

Was I wrong?  Should I have told her about the interviews? 

Leave a note.  Let me know what you think.

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June 23, 2005

Well, if you were going on interviews evidently you’re not happy with your job. You going on interviews is something personal. Your job should NOT co-exist with your personal life. So NO, you were NOT wrong for not telling her. Do what you need to do…

June 23, 2005

Many people i know have done what you did with no regrets. The only issue I forsee is maybe if you ask for a letter of recomendation (random noter, saw your entry on the front page :))

June 23, 2005

umm… well… i dunno (considering i’m only 14). but you can’t do anything to change what happened because it’s already in the past. obviously, you had sensible reasons why you did the interview in the first place. just explain that to her and be honest when she confronts you about it. be careful about it though! and good luck. *random noter* take care–>

That is no where near wrong-if anyone is ‘wrong’ in this situation it would be how she is upset that you didn’t tell her. It isn’t any of her business, because if you told her-and you do not receive this job, then she could discriminate against you and look down on you for that, and as a professional, she shoudln’t. I wouldn’t worry about it- Best Wishes in getting a new job 🙂

If I were you in this situation i wouldn’t have told her. But when she found out and questioned it I would’ve told her that the interview was just a self-esteem boost for me and I wanted to see if I could get the job. And that I did not tell her because I simply did not plan on taking the job. Unless I got the job if I had gotten the job then I would’ve told her it was cuz I wanted my last week

to not be the worst week ever. and I would explain to her that when she gets mad she can be very rude and obnoxious towards people…but only if I got the job cuz otherwise she could fire you. But I do not think it is wrong. Even if you wanted the job(which idk if you did or not)who cares,that is your business and not hers.u don’t need to tell her unless you quit hers. ~jennie~

June 24, 2005

No, it’s none of her business!

Why should you open yourself to such abuse? You’re right to try and protect yourself in this way.

June 26, 2005

Hell no you shouldn’t tell them. If you actually get offered a new job, THEN you can give a two-weeks notice. But until then, you shouldn’t have to tell your current employer. I am looking for a new job too and I haven’t told my bosses because that will mean they’ll start looking for someone to replace me. Then what if I don’t get the new job? They’d probably just fire me.

June 26, 2005

No way! You were definatly not wrong. Because if your not happy in your job you shouldn’t have to stay there and your employer should not act like that. Kay I had a really good employer I told him I was going back to school so I needed him to work around my school schedule and he was more than willing to do so.

June 26, 2005

i don’t expect ppl to tell us about interviews and you’re not required- by law- to give anything but a 2 week notice. the only thing that would irk an employer- rightfully so- is taking a sick day over a vacation day or personal day to interview- bc that’s unethical. she has no right to be mad at you. she’s prob upset at the prospect of losing you to another firm but that’s how business works.