EYE 2005


You might find a picture of me there. 

Got back from Episcopal Youth Event on Sunday.  What a singular experience! Everyone from the four dioceses of Michigan rode down together in one charter bus.  The bishop of Western Michigan rode with us, so I got to know him and his wife a bit.  They are some cool dudes.  We had a Provincial Youth Event the day/evening/morning before EYE in Dayton, and the bishops of Western Michigan, Fond du Lac, Michigan, and Indianapolis were all there with us.  I think it was great for the kids to have that kind of access. Heck, it was great for us adults to get that kind of access!

I had a reunion with my old rector from Los Angeles who is now on the cathedral staff in Indianapolis, so that was sweet.  The best part, though, was getting to know and being with the youth.  I was somewhat hesitant to go at first, thinking that without really any experience with this age group I was likely to be nervous and make serious mistakes.

And that was just not the case.  The kids were so authentic and open.  They were fun, and they were hard work!  We did have some discipline issues.  The other adult male who was supposed to go with our diocese (we took 14 kids) couldn’t go at the last minute, so it was up to me to keep them safe and secure in the dorm at night.  Yeah, right!  Sleep was just an elusive goal.

The programs, speakers, workshops, etc, were pretty good.  The presiding bishop opened every morning session with some thoughts and very poignant stories from his childhood and early priesthood related to the theme of EYE. Later he made an appearance in the dunk tank, and many of us commented on how he seemed to be so relaxed and beaming all week.  One of the speakers was a young woman whose book I had read (Lauren Winner, "Girl Meets God"), and whom I didn’t know was going to be at EYE.  Worship was very diverse. There was a Hip Hop Mass which I found to be a good experience, if over-stimulating.  Lots of rap and dancing, and lights, and loud music.

I came back very encouraged about the church and about youth ministry.  I never, ever would have thought that it was something I’d find enjoyable or rewarding, and yet I’m still feeling energized by EYE and looking forward to our convention in the fall when our youth will reunite to do a workshop and presentation about their experiences.  If nothing else I was galvanized as a youth advocate.  In one of the workshops I attended I learned a lot about the state of youth ministry in the church.  It seems that for many dioceses and parishes funding youth ministry is really not a priority.  That seems fairly ridiculous couched with everything people say about youth being the future of the church.  They’re not going to stick around if we don’t invest (the 3 T’s) in their formation and fellowship.  And that thing about youth being the future of the church?  That statement assumes that the church is for adults.  Youth ARE in the church, now and in the future.  We have to do better.  Okay that’s enough soapbox!  I’m confident you all agree with me anyway!

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August 24, 2005

found you through the Episcopalian interest, but we have a lot in common 🙂 Just wanted to say hi.