Bad News Returns

I don’t know why but Bad News seems to keep coming back.  No, wait, I know why.  Bad News keeps coming back because Lost Heart can’t find a way out of the bleak winter of depression.  Lost Heart is lonely and needs attention.  Bad News feeds on the weak and vulnerable and so will always return to Lost Heart’s call.  Bad News, it is assumed, has assured Lost Heart that things will be different from now on.  They will be friends again.  But this time, Lost Heart proclaims, there can be no romance.  This time, Lost Heart has learned from the past and will not make the mistake twice.  Lost Heart hears the penitent promises of Bad News and remembers the ostensibly happy times they shared.  Lost Heart professes to be able to sequester the Evil Times and work on a new future with Bad News. 

Of course, Pompous Ass sits in judgment of them both.  Pompous Ass knows the history of Lost Heart and her uncanny ability to return to those who have hurt her again and again.  Lost Heart believes that in proving to Bad News that she has survived the Evil Times she will gain his respect and admiration.  But Pompous Ass knows the truth.  Pompous Ass knows that Bad News is secretly celebrating at Lost Heart’s naivete, and is beside himself with joy at the prospect of another go at her.  Pompous Ass knows that by taking Bad News back Lost Heart has lost any credibility he might have held for her.  And Pompous Ass is powerless to affect these events.  (Pompous Ass and Lost Heart are kin, thus Pompous Ass is no competitor of Bad News.)  Pompous Ass is no sage and has no power to sway Lost Heart.  She hears only the sad song of her heart, and the power of her desire to love and be loved is too strong to be overcome by Pompous Ass and his boorish ways. 

What shall come of it?  The Evil Times may come again, and if they do, she will walk the Way of Disconsolate Shadows.  This may be her last walk, for each time she passes through the Way tightens its grip on her spirit, anchoring it there.  She may not escape this time. 

O joyless spirit!  Hear me!

Do not be fooled!  Evil has returned! 

The way is dark!  Light is shielded! 

True love is not tempered with agony!

True love is not guarded and careful! 

It is wonton!  It is a wild banshee!

On what firmament will you stand?

Where is your trust?

Where is your faith? 

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