Bad boy

In seventh grade I threw a party.  Oh it was really awful.  I had a door prize!  It was a potted ivy!  It was held in my parents’ living room.  My parents had some friends over, and they sat in the kitchen to chaperone.  I think there was a sheet over the doorway or something to give us a little privacy, but it was so patently WT. 

I invited all my new friends I met in my advanced classes in junior high.  I didn’t invite my oldest and best friend because she wasn’t in that clique.  She found out about the party and needless to say was extremely hurt.  Eventually we made up, but our friendship was never quite the same after that.  It may be my biggest regret.  It was so easy to do.  I have a hard time believing it, in retrospect.  How could I have just given in to peer pressure like that? 

That is one of the most shameful moments of my life. 

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July 5, 2005

found you on random… i think we all have a regret similar to this from junior high or highschool… socially, it’s a miserable time. the demands are impossible! don’t beat yourself up too much in regards to the past. ~hugs~

July 5, 2005

okay, typically i wouldn’t just add someone to my favorites list but i read your diary description and i find you very interesting. so *poof*, you’re added. hope you don’t mind!

July 6, 2005

My name is Ally ^.^