
Mood:  Rattled
Music: I Wish You Were Here, Incubus

It’s that time of the night again, sports fans, and that can mean only one thing:  time for another entry.

You think the ship is steady, and then all of a sudden, a warning shot across the bow.  Ah well.

I’m pretty stoked for tomorrow.  We’re going up to Keystone to get our ski groove on, and I’m pretty excited about it.  Turns out that the weather up in the mountains is 15 or so degrees cooler than here, but 55 is still pretty good weather.  I’ll be skiing in windpants and a light jacket.  And I’m still excited.  I’m taking a camera, and I’m going to take a bunch of pictures, to remind me of what’s important the next time I forget.  I forget too often.

I never cease to be amazed at how everyone has the same types of problems.  I’ve talked to three distinct people today who have the same problem I have, or are having a problem I’ve had.  It never ends, this humanness.  I had another fairly productive day. 

On Thursday, I have to be even more productive.  I need to go get fitted for a tux–I’m in two weddings this summer.  I think I’m up to about 60% of the people I’ve known since growing up who are now married.  The funny thing is, I’m not panicked like I might have thought.  But I’m not comfortable about it either.  It just kind of is.   I don’t think about it very much when I’m by myself, as I frequently am.  The rest of the time, it’s always there right in front of me.  You can probably guess how comfortable that makes me.  Besides the tux fittings, I have to go to the bank and deposit my refund checks from the government.  My tax returns came in.  And I want to tell you, it’s a good thing.  I’m glad they’re in, as you might well imagine.  Being an adult is feeling a little lighter this week than last week, but it’s still pretty weighty.

Friday should be interesting.  I’ve got a meeting with my entire mentoring team.  In other words, we’re going to put me and 4 other people in a room and talk about me.  Again, you can imagine how comfortable that makes me.  Seems I’m in a pattern where life is becoming less and less comfortable.  But I don’t really regret that.  It’s how this was going to be, and I knew it all along.  Christ never called me to be comfortable.  Now it’s time to pay the piper, that’s all.  It’s actually kind of amusing.

Speaking of amusing, we watched Dogma tonight.  I can’t get enough of that movie.  There is something ridiculously funny about that movie.  I can’t quite put my finger on it, but I think it has something to do with the fact that at points, the movie gets things exactly right, and the rest of the time, exaggerates the wrong things so ridiculously that you can’t help but chuckle.  I like Kevin Smith movies.  Silent Bob, man, Silent Bob.

I’ve not gotten as much work done this week so far as I would’ve liked, but the good thing is, tomorrow night when I get back here, I’m going to be so tired that work will be all I’m up for.  I like exhausting myself.  It makes me concentrate more on the important things.  I think the rest of the week, I’m going to go out to the basketball courts in the parking lot and make myself ridiculously fatigued, and then come back in and get some work done.

Alright, our ride up the mountain is going to be here in less than six hours.  Time for me to finish the preparations and get my ski on.  Happy Wednesday, everyone.  Blessings.

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