Too Much Writing.

ALTERNATIVE TITLE: And now I’ll do some more, only this writing isn’t assigned.

I’ve written and handed in 5 papers in the last two and a half days, for a combined total of about 40 footnoted, annotated pages.  And I’m not done.  Before noon on Friday, I have to do 2 more papers, for another 20 or so pages.  Seven papers, 60 or so pages, in 6 days.  That’s not mentioning the three papers, for about 20 pages I did last week.  In short, I have been a machine the last week or so.  Insanity.   It’s also not mentioning the final I have in Greek on Friday morning.

After that though, everything should be a piece of cake.  I get in the car and go to the airport and fly home for a month.  It will be nice to get a bit of a break.  I feel like I’m ready for a little cognitive shutdown.  Exactly how shutdown I am when I relax is something of a question, but at least not having to focus on anything in particular will be nice.  My plan is to spend as much time as possible with the people I want to see.  Last year, I didn’t spend enough time with my family, so hopefully, I can do a better job of that this year.  We shall see.

Before I leave I have to send out an application for another job possibility, this one for a full time job.  I’m not sure I can do a fulltime job and go to Seminary, but what the heck, you know?  Why not drive myself to an early grave with work.  It’s going to take something like that to get me out of the hole of debt I currently find myself mired in.  We shall see.  Worst case scenario I come back and start student teaching in January.  I’ve finally got all my ducks in a row that way and should be able to get started as soon as I get back.  I’m pretty stoked about that.  Money is good. I have need of it, and my debtors certainly have need of it.  (On a related note, I didn’t win the Powerball jackpot last Wednesday, which is something of a drag.)

I was reminded again of the problem of evil in a class at the Seminary.  It is certainly, to my way of thinking, the biggest argument a person could make against Christianity.  The problem is for people who use the argument against God, is that there isn’t a better explanation that covers the available facts as well.  I’m not claiming that the Christian solution is easy, but it’s sure better than the alternatives.  None of them satisfy me the way I’d like to be satisfied.  I think the conclusion that the world just sucks is unsatisfactory, but I can’t seem to escape it, and the burden of the evidence certainly bears that out.  And people wonder why I weep when I drink too much.

The paper I wrote and handed in today was an apologetic defense of the historicity of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  I’m thinking about posting it somewhere, but it’s too long to be posted on OD.  If any of you want to read it, let me know, and I’ll make sure you get the link to the site if I decide to post it.

I still have to go out and buy Christmas presents. I haven’t even started shopping yet.  In fact, I didn’t even think of it until Sunday.  Add that to the list of things to do before I leave.

Did I mention I need a break?

Speaking of breaks, I bought World of Warcraft a couple of weeks ago.  I would like to say that it hasn’t interrupted my normal laziness, but that would be a lie.  I’m building two characters right now, and I have to say that the entire idea of creating a character in a virtual world is quite interesting.  It is like digital crack.  I’d heard rumors, and I can tell you they are all true.  The most interesting thing to me is the way in which the characters I’ve created and build resemble me.  I’ve gravitated to certain kinds of characters because they reflect certain fundamental aspects of who I am.  I’m not sure that’s common, but it is how it has worked for me.  I’m not sure what to make of that.  Any psychologists in the audience want to try to explain why that happens to me?

Alright, I need to get back to work.  Blessings all, and have a pleasant evening.

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December 14, 2004

I know this sounds extremely odd, but I am jealous of anyone who has exams and is going to school.. I have gone through school, and am out and probably going back..Just no funds right now. I wish I had tons of essays to do..And the essay… I think that would be interesting to read.Have a good day:)

hey, I came across your diary and I really need help with something I’m a christian and all but there has been this person leaving notes on my diary and I’m not really sure how to answer them. I’ll post them below if you could help me out I’ll be really thankful! anyways here they are and have a great day. I’ll have to put the first one in another note ok

here are the notes I talked about HATE IS EVERYTHING JESUS CANT STOP HATE THY LORD SATAN EMBRACES ALL HATE AND WELCOMES YOU FOR YOU WILL END UP IN HIS ARMS OR RAGE AND PAIN The second one is too long to fit in here so I will put it in another note

WOW all you bible huggin hippies make me sick, do you actually believe he will save you if some bad shit happens, god is a figment of your imagination there is no proof and there will never be proof of god, or even jesus, and jesus prolly banged the fck outta mary magdalin that whore, and your savior lied to you all I will put the third one in another note hope you don’t mind all these notes

here is the last one Show ONE and only ONE sign that god is true, and if i cant come up with a logical explination for it, then i will stop bothering you….Everything can be proven wrong. I can and i can admit when im wrong can christ? can god admit when he was wrong?? Does he know it was wrong to create osama bin laden or is he smiling saying wow im a good guy for killing thousands

December 15, 2004

Good luck with all of your paper-writing. (Can’t say I miss that part of the semester!)

December 15, 2004

Sounds very common – creating something we are and home to be – putting a vision on paper or in your case on video game :). Hey, did you read…oh now I forget the name..not A case for Christ, but one similar. Anyway, I’d be interested in reading it – a fresh summary of defending Christ’s death and resurrection.

December 15, 2004

Hoping you make it through with some measure of sanity 🙂

December 15, 2004

haha i play sims 2 and i do believe that there is digital crack…i can play that game for hours and all you do is build a person, they get jobs, get married, have kids, grow old and die. it’s so addicting 🙂

December 15, 2004

RYN: of course I’m very interested in reading that!send me the link or e-mail it to me as a attachment, or however you think.

December 16, 2004

I always find exams week to be a nice break, after the rest of the semester’s suffering. I know I’m in the distinct minority on this though.

December 16, 2004

I normally do too–I like taking tests. But this semester, I have to write papers instead of take tests, and that stinks, because there is just too many of them. Back to work!

No prob, I think we’re going to have a hard time during Christmas. I would love to start a new tradition and just have a birthday party for Jesus…I think the kids would absolutely love it. Also this ministry called ‘Samaritan’s Purse’ they have catlogs where you can order a goat, or bails of hay for a family…I would love to do that rather than buy gifts for each other, D’s not too fond of that

December 16, 2004

That last one was me….it must have signed me out, the nerve. Have a safe trip home, honk when you get close and we’ll wave :).

December 16, 2004

I just realised that you won’t be driving…so…you won’t honk 🙂 Well, any planes we see we’ll wave :).

December 16, 2004

Which airline? You know what the craziest thing is..Dustin can name them from the ground – and the plane in the air, high in the air. He is a planeaholic. He needs to go to PA. Hello, my name is Dustin, and I can name that plane with my eyes closed.