The end of the rut, hopefully.

(continued from last entry)

Chicken Pox?
Strep Throat? Yes.
Flu?  Yes.
Cold?  At the moment, actually.
Mono? Nope.
Stitches?  Yep, in my forehead…got hit in the head with a baseball bat.
Bloody nose?  Yep.
Cancer?  Not yet, but it runs in my family.
Surgery?  Multiple.
Someone say they hate you?  Yeah, it happens.
Someone besides your family say they love you?  Yes.
Someone punch you?  Yep.

Enjoy parks?  Yeah, some more than others.
Like Picnic’s?  For sure.
Like School? I do now.  I didn’t from Middle School until I started Seminary.
Like the color pink?  Not really.
Wet the bed?  I did when I was younger. I think I got past that at about age 5.
Collect anything?  books and CD’s.
Like to shop?  I like to buy what I need and go home, I don’t like to spend 3 hours in a store and then not even buy anything.
Like to Party?  Depends on what kind of party we are talking about.
Get in trouble a lot? I hardly ever get in trouble. My fear of failure or letting people down kind of precludes me from doing stuff that would get me in trouble.
Chew your food before swallowing?  Always.

Go to a Hanson concert if you had free ticket?  Maybe, depends on how bored I was.
Ever get a tattoo?  Yeah, if I could ever get up the nerve to do it.
Ever get any body parts pierced?  No, not ever.

If your house was on fire what two things would you take?
  My bible, and my hard drive.  Way too much work on there to lose if I could help it.
If you were stuck on a planet with Rosie O’Donnell and Roseanne and you were starving which one would you eat?  I’d let them eat me, because by the time we got there, I would probably want to die anyways.  They are probably the 2 most annoying people on the planet.
If someone offered you a small part in a movie would you accept?  Yes, I like the idea of becoming another character.
What is something that people do not know about you?  I write poetry.
Ending Comments:  Stuff. Sleep.

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