Stuff I Want To Talk About But Won’t.

ALTERNATIVE TITLE:  [In regards to the previous entry title] The Former

Oh, how I do hate being a pessimist.

Today is the end of my first work week at my summer internship.  I’ve worked about 30 hours so far this week (there are services tomorrow, and I have stuff to do on Sunday that will count as well), and I honestly feel like I haven’t completed anything.  I had this neat list of goals for the work I wanted to get done, and none of it got done.  And it wasn’t like I wasn’t working, it was just that stuff kept coming up.  *shrugs*

Working in the church you grew up in for pay is kind of a strange gig.  I set up shop every morning at nine in the church library and just get my work on all day.  I go back and forth talking to the rest of the staff and asking questions.  I pretty much got settled sometime today.  Up until today, stuff was just strange.  Of course, now things can’t remain that way, because for the next two weeks, I have classes at a different building all day long.  My only work for the church besides that is going to be some one hour consultation sessions I’m doing with some of the congregants.  (As if I’m qualified to be a consultant on any other than being a 24-year-old fool.)

On that line of thinking, I discovered this week that I hate pessimism.  It sucks like a vacuum sucks. I think I’ll give it up.

This time next week, I’ll be on a plane back to Denver to do a wedding for a couple of friends with my roommate.  Should be good times.  But it’s going to be a long weekend.  Ah well, such is life.  I’m all about it, and as my roommate says, in twenty years, it will make a good story for my kids.  (That is, assuming that I have kids in 20 years….*tugs collar* eeeeesch.)

I’m tempted to go off about the upcoming election, but all it will do is get me angry notes from everyone, so I’m just going to leave it like this.  If you think about what yellow and blue make, that’s probably about how I feel about this next election.  Do with that information whatever you feel is appropriate.

I have the feeling right now that I’m sort of in the proverbial rock-and-hard place with a friend of mine right now.  I hate being in that position.  There comes a point where you separate yourself from the situation, or it crushes you and everything you care about.  That can’t happen.  I love to help and I like to do it when I can, but I think I’m coming to the end of my ability to be more helpful than harmful.  It sucks all the way around, but I honestly don’t know what else I can do.

I love the brothers.  I had dinner with one of them last night, and it was so nice just to be able to sit and talk about stuff and let the hair down a little bit.  We talked about books, and life and just stuff.  It was nice.  More time with the brothers this summer will be had, don’t kid yourself.

I’m thinking I’ll go to the Brewers game this Sunday, if I can figure out where I will get the funds from.  I might not be able to get the funds, which would suck, but I guess it is what it is.  If you’re poor, you’re poor.

Consider the fire stoked.

Deja vu is strange.  It’s even stranger when you have deja vu about having deja vu.  I hate when that happens.

I’m sort of used to being back home again.  It’s strange.  In some ways, it feels like I never left, and in other ways, decades have passed since I was here last.  In the end analysis, I’m all about being back home.  Wouldn’t trade it.

I’m still working hard on keeping my mouth shut about some things.  And let me tell you something true:  I don’t regret it one tiny little bit.  Not even the slightest, tinsie tiniest little bit.

And the pickles…..(AMDiscJockey, that’s for you….)

I’m out of here.  Peace, folks.

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July 9, 2004

You’re about the only other person I’ve come across who get those deja vu of deja vu. Ever had it feel like it was the 5th time happening?