Still in a rut.

(continued from last entry, not that it matters.)

Loved somebody so much it makes you cry?
Yes. By the time most people hit 24, they’ve had this experience.
Drank alcohol? Yes.
Smoked? Yes. Cigars at New Years, stuff like that.
Broken the law? Yes.
Ran away from home? Yes.
Broken a bone? Yes. Left wrist.
Cheated on a test?: No.  Never felt the need.
Skinny dipped? Yes.
Played strip poker?  Yes, but luckily for me (and everyone else) I am lucky in cards.
Played Truth Or Dare?  Yes.
Flashed someone?  Yes.
Kissed someone? Yes.
Been in a fight?
Rode in a fire truck?  Nope. But I got cuffed and put in a cop car once.  (It was for a video scavenger hunt.  I didn’t really like the being cuffed part.
Been on a plane?  Yes.
Come close to dying?  Yes, fell while Mountain Climbing, it was closer that I wanted to be to death at the time.
Snuck Online? No.
Cheated on your Boy/Girl friend?  Not proud of it, but yes, I did that one time. After that, I gave up dating.  I’ve never really gotten back in the habit.
Gave someone a piggy back/shoulder ride? Yes.
Had a nightmare/dream that made you wake up? Yeah, and most of those are the reoccurring ones.  I never have the nice ones again.  That’s what I get for being a cynical optimist.
Lied to your significant other on purpose?  Never about something important.
Abortion?  It is wrong, dead wrong.  However, it is someone’s choice- under our law system, people have the right to make a mistake.
Bill Clinton?  Weak moral character, slippery.  The consumate politician. 
Rap?  The older stuff is better than the new stuff.
Country?  Used to hate it, now there is some of it I really like.
Heavy Metal?  Depends.  Most of it I don’t care for.  Some of it I really like.  Go figure.
Classical?  Love it, for concentration and winding down after a stressful day, there is nothing better.  It also helps with sleep.
Oldies?  OK, I suppose.
Chores?  As my dad always said growing up: “It’s a dirty job–but somebody’s gotta do it.”

Your good luck charm?  My head.  I think luck in all in your head, so that is where my comes from.
Best song you’ve ever heard?  Jungle Train, by Steven Delopoulos.
The most embarrassing CD in your collection? For me, it isn’t just one.  I own both Backstreet Boys CD’s, the NSYNC CD, Celine Dion’s Greatest Hits.  And I admit it, I like songs on all of them- yeah, yeah, yeah, I know.
Your bedroom like? It has a bed in it.  It also has lots of windows and is kind of drafty.
Your favorite thing for breakfast?  Egg and Bacon Omelette, Hash Browns, Biscuits, orange juice.
Your favorite thing for lunch?  Club Sandwich and a bowl of Broccoli Cheese soup, along with some Apple Juice.
Your favorite thing for dinner? I think Chicken and Broccoli from a good Chinese restaurant, and some good white wine.
Your house like? Two story, creaks at night.  Cool hardwood floors.
Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi.
Oranges or apples?  Apples.
One pillow or two?  One.
Pools or hot tubs?  Hot Tubs.
Blondes or brunettes?  I date more blondes, I prefer brunettes….call it a tossup.  As long as it fits you, that’s the important part.
Tall or short?  Short, for obvious reasons.
TV or radio? TV.
Bike or Rollerblades?  Blades.
Dress or Skirt?  On girls? Sundresses are God’s gift to men through women.  This cannot and will not be argued.  Just in general, I prefer longer clothing…more covered up. I think it’s classier.
T-shirt or Tank top?  T-shirt.
Sweet or Dill Pickles?  Dill.
Chips or Popcorn?  Chips.
Cookies or Cake?  Cookies.
Movies or T.V.:  Movies
Music or Computer:  Music, not even a question.
Telephone or T. V:  Depends on who I am talking to, and what we are talking about.
McDonalds or Burger King: McDonalds.
Dairy Queen or TCBY: TCBY
Beach or Pool: Beach, especially beaches on the ocean- beaches look much better at sunset than pools.
Internet or Phone:  It’s a wash.
Day or Night: Night.
Swing or Slide: Swing, but only if you can jump off at the top.
Romeo or Juliet: Juliet.  Romeo should have known better than to be gallivanting all over town in love like that.  The world has never treated lovers kindly. You have to know something bad is going to happen.  If he would have just kept to himself for a couple of days and let the whole thing blow over..well, you get the idea.

A Vegetarian?:  Nope.
A Good Student?:  Since I started Sem, I’ve been surprisingly good.
A Good Driver?: I’m too aggressive to be good.
Good At Sports?: Not as good as some, better than others.
A Good Singer?  In my day I was.  I think if I practiced I could be.
A good Actor/Actress?  Naw, people with talking eyes can’t act–people can read your act, even if all the non-verbals are there.
A deep sleeper?  Yep.
A Good Dancer?:  That all depends on what you mean by good, and how ‘relaxed’ I am.
Shy?: Not really.
Outgoing? I am more outgoing than shy.
A good storyteller?:  I’d like to think so….
Preppy/Slutty/Sexy/Sporty/: Um…how about comfortable? If I have to pick one of those, I’d say preppy.  You don’t customarily see a lot of seductive dressing around the seminary.

(continued, next entry)

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