Sometimes, I get so confused.

Mood:  Confused

Music:  The Sweetness, Jimmy Eat World.

Some days are diamonds, and some days are rocks.  Today was neither.

There are serious disadvantages to being a reflective kind of person.  One of the biggest ones is simply thinking too much.  When that happens, you have to be careful, because if you start getting onto rabbit trails, very quickly you can confuse something that was very clear to you when you started.  Take today, for example.  I’ve been listening to some people about an issue I have in my life right now, and they’ve given me a myriad of perspectives on it.  I’ve only heard a couple of opinions, but the one’s I’ve heard are diametrically opposed to my own opinion.  So, today, I’ve been trying to reconcile them and make some sense out of what is happening in my head.  I haven’t been very successful.  I’m thoroughly convinced that there are some things (women, are you hearing me on this?) that will never be figured out.


It was a decent weekend.  My back is feeling much better, and I can actually do a fairly decent job of moving around and stuff now.  That’s always a bonus.  My back pain threw off my plans of getting out and enjoying the beautiful weather we’ve been having here, but that’s how life goes.  Instead, I drove north for a while and had dinner with some friends.  It was a good time.  We watched Old School, which only increased the level of my amusement, despite some of the baudy parts.  (Why can’t a comedy be made anymore that doesn’t involve nudity in some way or another?  *shakes head*)  In completely unrelated news, Elisha Cuthbert is attractive.  Today, I got up and went to breakfast with the collected men of the church, which is always interesting.  Then I came home and went back to bed for a while.  Got groceries, did the dishes, played some video games, called the parents, read some books, talked online, and the usual list goes on.

My money situation is decidedly not good at this point.  Thank the Lord for buying meat in bulk and then freezing it, or I think I’d be on a Ramen noodle diet for the rest of the semester.  Such is life.  I’m looking forward to having some work to throw myself into besides school…maybe it will help me keep my head clean of all the messes I’m so prone to making for myself.  Like I said, it’s tough being a reflective introvert.

It’s even tougher trying to take a heavy dose of your own advice.  If I came to me for advice, I know exactly what I’d tell me.  And I’m trying to take my own advice.  But the problem is, it is my own advice that has gotten me into the trouble I’ve found.  I’m learning not to trust my advice.  *shakes head*  Enough.

So, life is beautiful, at least until tomorrow, when I will spend all day doing Greek and writing a paper that I probably should have gotten done today.  But that’s not too big a deal–I can kick it out in a pretty short period of time, I think.  The Greek is going to be the key to my day tomorrow.  Gotta get started early.  The rest of the week, I’ve got to read another book and write a couple more papers.  No big deal, right?  I’m starting to get used to grad school.  Of course, I’m getting used to it just in time to quit for the summer and start the whole process again next fall.  Oh well, again, such is life.

I’m about a half a step from the unthinkable again.  Someone pull me back.  Seriously.  I’m going to bed.  Rest well, folks, and enjoy your week.



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