Quantum Mechanics and other Complicated Stuff

Actually, this entry has nothing to do with Quantum Mechanics.

Rural Pennsylvania is quite beautiful, from all indications.  I quite enjoyed it.  It would have been a bit nicer if the weather had been better, but all told, it was quite nice.  If you’ve never checked out the central part of Pennsylvania, you should think about it.  I’m not sure I would want to live there, but certainly a very beautiful place to visit.  (I’m also not saying I wouldn’t want to live there, but I think I’m becoming something of a suburban/urban person as a result of my life experience so far.

I’m not sure, but I think I’ve reached a new stage in my life.  I’m actually kind of excited about the prospect of being married.   (Yeah, it kind of surprises me too.)

In regards to the thought directly above this one:  Yes, I did just say that.  I know, I know.

I think my sister-in-law better get ready to have some kids.  (Marcy, if you’re reading this, you better start thinking of some excuses.)

I need to go to both London and Australia to visit.  I have people now in both places who are quite willing to show me around.  It’s very exciting, and I quite look forward to the opportunity.

Older folks with experience might be the group of people I understand the least but appreciate the most of all the possible groups there are.  The sheer volumes of wisdom the folks who have seen stuff like World Wars and the cold war and close elections might be too high for me to count.  Accordingly, I need to spend more time trying to learn from said older folks.  (Yes, I’m still thinking about the old guy at the reception from my previous entry.)

I had my beliefs again reaffirmed that some Americans have no clue about the world they live in.  At the reception and afterwards there were several moments where it became quite clear that people know nothing of Australia.  That’s an English speaking country.  I wonder what the folks know about Malaysia or Singapore or Kazahkstan?  Seriously, you guys. 

People from other countries have a decidely different humor than American humor.  I think I prefer theirs.  This should surprise no one who knows the kind of humor I like.  Given the choice between all the American Pie movies and 10 good minutes of British humor, I’d pick the British humor every time.  It’s just funnier.  This cannot and will not be argued.  Please….fart jokes over witty repartee?  No contest.

Thanksgiving without a nap is like a sandwich with no bread.  Again, this cannot be argued.

I’ve successfully avoided the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade for 6 years in a row.  To say I’m glad of that is like saying that Jessica Simpson is “just a little bit moronic.”

Seeing grown men in dressed that show off a lot of cleavage is something that very few people would ever want to see.  I’m included in that group, and if I ever see it again, it will be too soon.

I hate laptop batteries.

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November 30, 2004

wow, lots of randomness there. Hey, when you get married, invite me to your wedding. Now that would be random 🙂 Speaking of British things, I am a complete 21st century anglophile. Have you ever watched Coupling? It’s pretty risque, but freakin’ hilarious.

December 2, 2004

RYN: I don’t think they have to come to the same exact thing in the end. Since there have been people there have been different belief systems, and I think that is because different people need different things from their faiths. I don’t think that anyone’s faith is right or wrong, as long as it works for them, it’s the right one for them.

December 2, 2004

RYN: I’m not really sure that it does. Although I think that there is the definate possibility, but that it’s beyond our ability to comprehend as we are. Maybe that’s what the ultimate state of being is, knowing that absolute trueth. Maybe that is nirvana. And you aren’t being a pain. I don’t mind people asking questions as long as they aren’t rude and confrontational.

December 2, 2004

I can’t get over how happy you sound here. Good for you. Even if other things in my life are kind of going to pot right now, at least I’ve got Contracts. Some consolation prize.

December 4, 2004

WoW looks amazing. My friends want me to sign up..it’s just the pay for play thing that turns me off from it. If i knew more people then i might consider it.

December 6, 2004

Yeah, I want an invitation too! I know, I didn’t invite you to mine, we tried to stick to just close family. Katie and Jenny were my bridesmaids, and Charity and Crystal rode with them. I would like to someday have a reception…maybe for one of our anniversaries, and invite everyone we know and have dancing, lots….

December 6, 2004

…lots of dancing. We just had the reception as his parents house…and we didn’t dance :(. I’m getting antsy, maybe we can do that for our 5th, or better yet our 4th, it’s just 9 months away.

January 1, 2005

I agree, british humor is superior to american – at least the american pie style of american humor… German humor sucks.