One Sentence Wonders

This is my abortive attempt to update this now-in-limbo diary.

I’m glad that Texas beat USC in the Rose Bowl.  In this day of media hype and egomania, I was glad to see the overhyped, egomaniacial team get beat.  Not the greatest team ever.  Not even close.

My Milwaukee Brewers recently traded for former Minnesota/Toronto 3rd baseman, Corey Koskie.  Koskie (a Canadian), is a notoriously polite, hardworking overachiever.  Just the kind of guy I love having on my favorite team.  (As a side note, they’re actually building a fairly decent team over in Milwaukee.  I’m stoked, after years of them sucking worse the Tootsie Pop Owl…."One…Tah-HOOO…..tha-ree….CRUNCH…..oh never mind.)

I painted my office over Thanksgiving, and moved furniture and stuff.  Finally, my office feels like…..well…MY office.  When you follow someone who held the job you now hold for 18 years, it is impossible to underestimate the importance of having your own space when you come to do your job.

I like sudoku.  I like it a lot.

For the first time in a long time, I feel like I’m starting to get back into gear.  It’s pleasant to start being productive again, where what I do actually feels like it means something.

Have you hugged a prickly atheist today?  Why on earth not?

The wedding plans are going splendidly.  At last count, we’re down under 6 and a half months to the big day now.  I say hasten the day.  I’m ready to get started on this new part of my life.

I think I might have taken on too much again.  Lots and lots of lots of work for me to do, most of it stuff I’ve volunteered for that wasn’t really necessary for me to do.  I need to learn to stop volunteering for that.

The longer I go with my current insurance, the more I say that we ought to move to some sort of nationalized health care.  I’m paying $100 a month for insurance that doesn’t even cover the first $3000 of my expenses per year.  It removes all motivation to go to the doctor, even though I’m frequently in a position where if all things were equal, I would go.  In exchange for nationalized health care (which I have a problem with in principle for a variety of reasons), I would prefer that the government deal with ridiculous and superfluous malpractice lawsuits, which if limited would necessarily lower the costs of healthcare.  That and I’d like to stop the charade and really regulate HMO’s.  Yes, this issue is now for me all about my own self-interest.

On a completely unrelated note, I’ve been sick for about three weeks.  Not devastatingly ill, just unpleasantly so.  I have the feeling that if I’d gone to the doctor three weeks ago, I’d feel much better today that I do.  Such is life.

I’m journaling again.  In writing.  It’s been good.

I’m doing my daily devotions and praying again.  This is better than good news.

I’m getting married in a little more than 6 months.  Holy crap.

I’m getting back to work.

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January 12, 2006

Thanks for the small glimpse into your everyday life 🙂

January 12, 2006

holy crap is right! I’m make sure we work around that. and…. I forgot the rest of what you said here! oh, journaling!… outside of OD?