More Surveys, More Stuff

My mind is in syllabus shock right now.  I need more survey mindlessness to occupy about 20 minutes until I can get my piece off to bed.  I stole this from Popper, who stole it from TickledPeenk, who stole it from….blah, blah, blah.  Surveys should just become public property when they make their way here.  This one is pretty interesting though.

15 Years Ago, I:
1. I was nine years old.
2. I spent most of my time reading novels in my room, writing book reports about them, and filing them in my file cabinet.  (No, I’m not kidding.)
3. I spent most of my time at home with my little brother, or my friend Mike’s house.
4. I lived in my family’s old house on Hawthorne Ave, in J-town, WI.
5. My family was in the process of getting ready to move, and everyone was really nervous about it.

10 Years Ago, I:
1. I was fourteen years old.
2. I finished my religious wanderings and decided to become a Christian.
3. I spent most of my time obsessing about girls and wondering why they wouldn’t take the time to get to know me.
4. My family was safely moved into our new house.
5. I spent most of my time with my best-friend, my bro.

5 Years Ago, I:
1. I was nineteen years old.
2. I started college, and grew up a whole lot.
3. I stopped dating, with a few brief exceptions, after messing up what could have been a really positive relationship by cheating on two separate girlfriends in turn, each time with the other girl.
4. I had my eyes opened the philosophical underpinings of modern culture.
5. I starting working in the music store, and opened my musical eyes to a wider spectrum than just Metallica and Nirvana.

3 Years Ago, I:
1. I was twenty-one years old.
2. I had just moved on-campus and was getting used to living alone.
3. I really started to do the tough rebuilding work of my emotional life after the disasters of my last bit of high school and early college.
4. I got sick with my sinus surgery.  The nagging illness was a physical reflection of my spirtual state.
5. I was desperate to get out of Wisconsin, to go anywhere, to do anything.

1 Year Ago, I:
1. I was twenty three years old.
2. I started my student teaching assignment.
3. I applied myself to something for the first time ever.
4. I changed my entire plan from leaving Wisconsin to staying, to pay off all my bills.
5. I finally got over my grandma’s death.

Yesterday, I:
1. I was productive.
2. I made dinner for myself and my roommate.
3. I went to school, and was excited about doing so.
4. I spent about four hours writing.
5. I had a pretty severe bout with intense anxiety, for reasons too complicated to elaborate upon.  I was just really jumpy all day.

Today, I:
1. I have been finding ways to occupy my time.
2. I went to class, and thoroughly enjoyed doing so.
3. I went to Old Chicago’s.
4. I slept in entirely too late.
5. I spent too much time wondering could be, and not enough time making what needs to happen, happen.

5 Games I Like:
1. Oodles
2. No-Limit Texas Hold-em
3. Trivial Pursuit
4. Civilzation III
5. Risk

5 Things I’d Buy With $1,000:
1. Pay Bills
2. Music
3. Books
4. A digital camera
5. A scanner

Top 5 Musicians or Groups Lately:
1. Bebo Norman
2. Lifehouse
3. John Mayer
4. Nickel Creek
5. Caedmon’s Call

Interests at the moment:
1. Theology
2. Logic
3. Relationship Dynamics
4. Dealing with my pride issues.
5. Maintaining the last shreds of my sanity.

5 TV Shows I Like:
1. Law and Order
2. CSI
3. Without a Trace
4. Sportscenter
5. The Joy of Painting w/Bob Ross

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