Lots of Unanswered Questions.

So that you folks are in the loop, my plan for the next series of entries is to deal with some of the larger questions and issues that have come up over the history of my diary.  I’ll write them all off of here, and then index them, so when I post them, you’ll be able to just go to the latest entry and index the issues and questions I’m addressing from there.  Keep your eyes peeled.  The entry you’ll be looking for, if you care, should say something about Questions or Answers, or an index or something. 

I’ve been having weird anxiousness the last couple of days.  Like acute, losing sleep kind.  I’m not sure that’s a good thing.  Especially considering I’m not sure what’s causing it. (Or do I?) It will be a big help that I paid off a bunch of bills today.  I always feel a little more at ease when the money situation loosens up.  Now, if I can get a job, that will be squared away.  I have the terrible sinking feeling that I’ve made a mess of a situation without really intending to, and the more I try to fix it, the worse it gets.  That isn’t helping my scenario.  I’m basically at the end of the rope here–I’m just going to have to start talking to people about what’s bothering me.  School is going really well, and that is the stabilizing factor right now, as surprising as it may sound.  I’m actually excited about writing an 18 page research paper this semester on 1 Peter 3:1-7.  If you feminists are looking for cannon fodder, you’ll find plenty there.  Don’t worry, I’ll keep you posted on what I find out.  I have a feeling that the Greek in this case is going to be very useful–and that the English translation misses some important things in the domestic code outlined there.  It will interesting to see what the scholars have to say.

I am getting my organizational feet under me.  I can’t tell you how pleased that makes me.  I’ll keep you all posted on what’s going on as it happens.  Keep your eyes peeled for a big set of entries. 

I hope you’re all having a great week.  Blessings.

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