It’s in the past.

Just a few thoughts.

I would like to simplify this coming election into the simplest possible propositions, so that the facts are clear to everyone.  Here we go.

  1. Candidate A is a poor candidate for president.
  2. Candidate B is a poor candidate for president.
  3. Everyone is convinced that either A or B will win and will not consider other options and convince themselves that they must choose between A or B
  4. Since everyone votes for A or B, the major parties have no reason to change their policies and the cycle continues ad infinitum.

Is that simple enough?

Objects in the rearview mirror may appear closer than they are.  I am firmly convinced that there are at least 2 or 3 people in the world devoted to trying to unravel any kind of happiness I might feel at any given moment.  It is their duty, they feel, to muddle with anything that might possibly lead to my happiness.  Luckily, I’ve solved this problem, and it is behind me.  Their plotting will avail them of nothing.

I have a theology quiz on the theology of Romans 1 in less than two hours.  I haven’t slept regularly in a week.  These two items are not connected, but I fear they will be in about two hours.

I am much too hard on myself.

I am lucky that I have a girlfriend who sees the best in me, even when I wish she wouldn’t.  And yes, I have told her that I appreciate that quality in her.

Flying for free is awesome.  I highly recommend it to anyone.

The check is in the mail.  No, seriously, it is.  And until that check makes its way into my hand, I’ll be eating Ramen Noodles from here to Christmas.  Eech.

The old adage that girls love guys who are in relationships is either no longer true, or all that time I was single and unavailable actually succeeded in doing what I intended for it to do: scare everyone away.  This fact both boggles my mind and gives me great joy.

I’ve been under some stress lately as I attempt to refigure my life in light of new developments.

On a completely unrelated note, it’s a drag coming back to the world after five years of living like a selfish, self-involved, self-interested, egomaniacal jerk only to realize that you will have to pay the logical consequences for the choices of those five years.

I do not know everything.  I do not even come close.  Thanks for your work, Denver Seminary.

I do not want to know everything.  I can’t take even the little I actually know now.

I take things too seriously.  This cannot and will not be argued.

If you didn’t find the irony in that last sentence, read it again.

No, seriously.

I am still Nick and you are still not, and I’m still not wearing any pants, but there won’t be any film at 11, because by that time a real news story will have come up and no one will want to see my German tail in boxers.  (You’ve always wondered, now you know.)  Peace out, kiddies.

(Oh, btw…I’m planning to do some life update stuff here soon, once I get my head back on my shoulders, until then, I thought I’d let you all know that I’m gradually moving my philosophical treatises to my new diary, Aletheia18.  If you’ve been missing your Nick fix (I should be so lucky), that’s another place you can check stuff out.  Hope you all are doing well.  Peace.)

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September 22, 2004

Glad you checked in, hope all is well, and props to you for letting your girl know she is appreciated, hopefully she will do the same for you. later,

September 22, 2004

It’s good to see you panicing about seminary once again. It keeps you honest. Summer

Welcome back, champ. Looking forward to hearing more from you! Jonathan S

Is it sad that I hear more about your life from your online journal than from your own mouth or via the IM? Nah, you’re funnier on here than in person. I mean….uuhhh, stuff.