Infinite Pleasure and Amusement.

There are a whole bunch of things about life that amuse me.  I could list a bunch of them here, but I’d like to suggest a just one scenario that amuses me to previously unmatched levels.  Before I do so, I’d like to list a few facts:

1.  I think I’m pretty smart.

2.  I am not, in fact, smart– or at least, not nearly as smart as I think I am.

3.  Even when I get things right, I usually overthink them so much that I think myself out of the right thing and end up doing the exact thing I didn’t want to do.

I think that about brings us up to date.

Alright, so let me give you a scenario. 

Something happens.  Something that will grab my attention.  I respond rashly, allowing my emotions to take control and I just generally freak out, and am completely unbearable for a number of days.  Somewhere in the middle of this process, probably in the middle of day two, I freak out the exact opposite direction at the assurance that I’ve read a situation wrongly.  I overreact the other direction, trying to figure out how to undo what I’ve just done, acting as rashly to undo what I’ve done as I originally was to do it.  (You get a cookie if you didn’t have to read that twice for it to make any sense whatsoever.)  Then, I finally figure out the key:  To not do anything else, and just let the mistakes stop, let the dust settle, and deal with the situation as it comes to you, since you were powerless to control it anyways. 

In stopping to now somewhat objectively take stock of the mess I’ve just made, I probably come to a number of uncomfortable conclusions:

1.) I’ve exposed too much personal information, and now have to figure out way to do damage control…to spin what I’ve said so that it sounds like the general stuff I’d say just any old time.

2.) No one will believe my attempts to do this.

3.) I’ve probably made a complete fool out of myself to a variety of people, first to the people I responded to out of emotions and then to the people I responded to, trying to balance the emotion-laced stuff.

4.)  I hate everything.  (heh heh…laugh it up, you people who think I’m a pessimist)

But you know something?  In scenarios like this, something good always seems to come out of it.  It’s hard for me to stay mad when I see people respond positively to my idiocy.  Yeah, I’m an idiot.  But I’m an honest, lovable idiot.  And God is still bigger than me and is still in the business of working stuff out.  Bottom line:  God is bigger than my propensity for mistake making.

I’ve gone through every kind of conspiracy theory I can think of in the last week, and you want to know something?  I am not one inch closer to figuring anything out.  I’m just going to get on with it and do what I do best:  be a piece.  It’s good when you have that to fall back on.  I’m going to go play video games and shoot some people.  Blessings, everyone. 

*giggles uncontrollably*


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