I’m in a rut.

Name:  StealthPudge18, Nick.
Born In: South Central Wisconsin, between Madison and Rockford, IL.
Boy/Girlfriend: Nope.
What famous person do people think you look like: No one.  Maybe like the lead singer for Coldplay…what’s his name again?
What famous person do you remind people of (personality): No idea.  Do any of you have any ideas?
What are you afraid of? Failure. Rejection.  The typical guy stuff.
Do you wear contacts or glasses? Both, depends on when you see me.
Describe what you look like: 5’6″, Blond hair, blue eyes, built like a pudgy linebacker.
What’s your personality type? INTJ?  Generally, I’m easy to get along with as long as you don’t insult me on purpose.  There’s a lot of stuff I can deal with.  I haven’t had time, traditionally, for people who are just trying to get my goat.
Do you think you’re attractive? Can someone define attractive for me?  I don’t know if I am or not.  I wouldn’t say I am unattractive.
Describe your perfect man/woman:  A Christian girl with a good head on her shoulders.  Someone who is at least in the same ballpark as me as far as height is concerned- I don’t want to feel like a midget when I am with her.  Eyes are most important physical characteristic- if you can’t talk with them, forget about it.  Non-smokers.  Sense of humor is absolutely required- life is too short to forget to laugh.(As a sidenote, finding girls like this are a tall order, as you might imagine, no pun intended.  I’m accepting applications.)
Do you like yourself? Yeah, I’m both content with the progress I’ve made and anxious to continue the work.  I don’t think we, as humans, ever really get there.  I take a lot of joy from the journey.
Most Embarrassing Moment: Starting the chem lab on fire Freshman year in HS- then blowing out the fire (it was in the trash can) manually, while the fire extinguisher was 1 foot away.
Your future kids names: Boys: No clue.  Girls: No clue.  (Most of the names I like, I would never curse a child with those names.)
Who knows you the best: Little Bro, probably.
New College Friends: I’ve been sort of anti-social since I hit Sem.  Probably either my friends Mark, Rick, Carla or Constance.  3 of the 4 are older than me with families, so it’s kind of a strange thing.  In fact, most of the people I talk to at Sem are older than me.

Ice Cream: Basically, anything with Mint, and then Butter Pecan
Food: If you set it in front of me, and it doesn’t involve peas, it will probably be just fine.  I like all the ethnic food I’ve tried, but I like the traditional American stuff too.
Dessert: Cherry Pie, Dutch Apple Pie.  Scotcheroos.
Vegetable: Corn or Carrots.
Fruit: Apples
Meat: Steak or Chicken. It’s a toss-up
Candy: Starburst. (And my grandma’s homemade rock candy)
Gum: Trident Wintergreen.
Beverage: Fruit Juices (Almost any kind.)
Movies: The Usual Suspects, Fallen, Mask of Zorro, Princess Bride, Transformers the Movie, Waking Life, Rounders.
T.V. Show: Sportscenter.
Talk show: Nope, I hate em all.
Actress: For a long time, it would’ve been Sandra Bullock, but she’s dropped out of the top five.  Who’s my favorite?  Keira Knightley, maybe? If not her, then Kate Beckinsale.  I love Kate Beckinsale.
Actor: Harrison Ford, Kevin Spacey.  (Call it a dead heat, for entirely different reasons.)
Cartoon: Transformers, GI Joe, and Silverhawks.
Season: Autumn.
Job/Chore: Organizing my files.  I love the satisfaction at the end, in a slightly obsessive/compulsive kind of way.
Brand of clothing: It doesn’t matter, as long as it is comfortable.
Store: Again, it doesn’t matter.
Group/Singer: Caedmons Call, Bebo Norman, John Mayer, Nickel Creek.
Song: At the moment, it’s “Young” by Nickel Creek. A close runners up are “Beautiful You,” by Bebo Norman and “Split Screen Sadness,” by John Mayer.
Place to visit: Home.
Salad Dressing: Ranch.
Color: Blue
Thing To Wear: Anything that is comfortable.  I like sweaters and fleece pullovers.
Jewelry To Wear: My promise ring doesn’t fit my finger anymore.  So I haven’t been wearing any jewelry.
Sport to watch: Football
Sport to play: Golf.
Number: 18
Flower: Roses and Lilacs.
Inside joke: “I’m an idiot.  Where’s my pants?”
Brand of shoes: Nikes.  You have to represent the shoe company that is the Greek basis for your name.
Perfume/Cologne: I wear Pure from Eddie Bauer these days.  I finally have a cologne for myself I like.  I like Dream and Cool Water on girls, and just generally, most of the smelly lotions girls put on too.  Just in general, the girl smell is pretty good, even without any help.  Guys will know what I mean in saying this.
Person to talk to online: Favorite.  Probably my main man AMDiscJockey, no offense to the rest of you I talk to.
A truck or a jeep, hopefully.
Career/Family: Well, I will probably end up being both an English teacher and a pastor.  As far as family goes, probably a wife and some kids at some point.  I don’t really have a timeline for the family bit.  I’ll probably head out to pastor and teach in 3 or 4 years.
Where are you going to live: Again, up in the air.  Where my work takes me.
Are you ever going to marry: Yeah, I imagine so.
Do you want to have kids: Again, probably.
Are you going to College: Yes.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years: Pastoring a church.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years: Pastoring a church.
Who Would you want to marry? I have pretty regular crushes, but nothing that is even possible at this point.  It’s funny, most girls don’t want to be a pastor’s wife- I wonder why not?  (I amuse myself.) Just in general, I have a habit of choosing girls to like who are unavailable, for one reason or another. *sigh* (That was a classic overshare.)

(continued, next entry.)

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