I Want To See The Wizard.

I get it. It’s all been a joke, and it’s on me.  Fine.  I’ll take it, and everyone can have a good laugh.  If you check the notes you can read from last evening, you’ll get a rough idea what this is about.

Yesterday, in the morning, I get the cryptic note you see on the last of my entries to Summer.  It makes vague references to the L-bomb (that’s love for the uninitiated).  I kind of shake my head in wonderment when I get it, and then try to block it out–it’s from an anonymous noter, and taking that kind of thing too seriously is the recipe for a disaster.  Later on in the day, I get another anonymous note, this one with substantially better grammar, positing the question as to what I’d do if I found someone had a huge crush on me.  I respond, by this time becoming intensely curious.  I’m still not trying to get to bothered by it, because it’s still anonymous, but by this time, things have gotten to the point where it’s obvious that someone is at least working really hard to get into my head.   And, being of my curious nature, I can’t help but wonder.  I’m in kind of a precarious position right now–there’s a lot of stuff going on with me that a lot of you probably don’t know about.  Some of you may know.  For those of you that know, you’d know why getting notes of this type is kind of like touching a bruise with me right now.  The night goes on, I get a couple of private anonymous notes, touching on both the seriousness of the crush, and the inability of the person doing the noting to come to me about it, for a fear of undisclosed reasons.  Immediately, I’m suspicious.  I know a bunch of people who are constantly ribbing me about my girl situation (or lack their of).  So, I make a move to stop it, and go to safe notes only.  That at least, will stop the anonymous noter long enough for me to get my head back on straight.   And I slept on it.  Today, I was still smarting a bit, but I dealt with it.  I was ready to come home and go back to accepting all notes.  I get home from school, and decide I have to go to the grocery store to get some stuff for dinner.  I’m tired, it’s been a long day.  Stuff.  I get to the store, and pull out my cell, and there it is, a ‘notification’ message.  Here’s the text of it:  “SprintPCS would like to extend you a warm ‘hello’ and say that you are a very valued customer.  And we would like to add that you are a very hot man.  It’s true!!”

Ha.  Ha.  I’m dying of laughter here.  This needs to stop.  I don’t know if the people are related, and I don’t know if this is some elaborate practical joke, but let me tell you what I know.  If this is a joke, I need to hear an explanation of why this is happening.  And I need to hear it soon.  If the incidents aren’t related, it’s just Murphy’s Law at work in my life, and I can accept that.  So, if you’re there, oh Wizard of Prank, come out from behind the curtain, or I will hunt you down.  (Hey anonymous noter, if you’re not the same person as the one who sent the text message, I’m not upset with you, alright?)

I will now tell a parable.

Once upon a time, there was a man.  The man had a rare disease that made his brain extrasensitive to pressure and pain.  It had grown worse as he’d gotten older, but the man learned to live with it.  The primary method of dealing was just to avoid people–they didn’t seem to understand the disorder, and however intentionally or unintentionally, kept doing him harm.  Finally, one day, the man grew tired of the attempting and just stayed at home.  This way, he could keep a monitor on the amount of pain and pressure he ran in to.  Finally, he started getting phone calls from people, asking him to come out.  After much soul searching and pleading phone calls, he came out, only to find everyone waiting for him on his front step.  They all pressed around him to welcome him, touching him, having no idea what they were causing.  The man ran back inside the house and shut the door, and tried to get his head around what had just happened. This was going to be harder than he thought.

I’m going to go take out the trash.

I’ll turn safe notes off, but please people, think before you post, ok?

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