I decided to stop at my godfathers house overnight.  It’s been a good day.  I got to see people in North Loup, and then I got my drive on.  I ended up leaving about noon, and I got in here at about 5:15 or so.  *shrugs*  Today’s drive was a bit more bothersome, but I’ve got more than 700 miles down now, so it can’t be much more than 300 to take care of tomorrow.  Five hours to home.  I’ve never been more anxious to leave for home.  A part of me wants to leave right now, but I know that would be foolish, so after I finish this entry, I’m going to go to bed, and sleep for a few hours before starting early tomorrow morning.  There are hosts of people I’m prepared to see.  I haven’t been home since January 11th.  It’s time for me to be home for a while.  I’m ready.

I got to see some of the people of that magical summer six years ago, and that was a blessing to me.  I felt bad, because there were people who wanted to see me (namely, the pastor’s two daughters) who couldn’t because they were at school.  But I did get to see a few people.  The pastor of the church there, who I love in the Lord, and also my project director from my summer there so many years ago, and one of her sons.  I’ve made plans to talk with her in some more depth this summer.  She has free night and weekend minutes, and so do I.  They will come in handy.  I haven’t caught up with her in a long time, and she’s like a second or a third mother to me, so it’s really about time to catch up with her.  And I’m finally in a position where I wouldn’t mind being laid bare in front of her.  Up to this point, I’ve been too ashamed to talk with her.  I just didn’t have the heart for it.  There was too much wrong, and too much for me to explain.  I think it would explain more easily now, somehow.  I don’t know if that makes any sense, but it’s the truth, so even if it’s unintelligible, it’s true, trust me.

I got on the road about noon, a little later than I expected, but that’s alright.  What I didn’t expect was the traffic.  There was like a 30 or 40 mile stretch today that was all construction.  I didn’t plan on spending time in the backroads of Nebraska at a stand-still, that’s for sure.  Ah well.  The trip was mostly uneventful.  I made a few attempts to contact people so that I had some human contact during my trip, but only managed to raise one friend, and so I talked her ear off for the last hour or so of my trip.  A few classic overshares, general amusement, and other stuff that doesn’t need to be shared here.  It was good to hear another person talking though.  I get tired of my singing voice sometimes, and you can only sing along with “Why Can’t I,” by Liz Phair for so long before it gets old.  Today, I listened to it exactly once.  Every day of this trip so far, I have opened with an Indigo Girls song.  I think tomorrow, I’ll keep the pattern.  Good times for everyone, my friends.  Good times.

When I got in tonight, I settled in with my godfather, and his wife and children, and his parents, a couple of familiar faces from back home.  His parents live literally, two blocks from my parents, and I see them quite a lot.  It was good to see them today.   I had never met my godfather’s son, who is now two.  I was anxious to meet him and a little bit nervous too, but I think it’s fair to say that we got off to a good start.  I’m quite taken with the little guy.  And he’s pretty sharp for a two year old too, which is always helpful.  I don’t know what happened, or when it happened exactly, but kids now, generally, love me.  That’s quite a switch from my high school and early college days, when I couldn’t look at a kid without them crying.  I believe that kids see right into people, and they know what they see.  Maybe that’s why kids like me now-I’ve decided I love kids, and I think they sense it.  It’s weird the change in me though. I kind of wish I’d taken a video of me with kids back in the day so that I could compare it to how it is now.  I’m not sure anyone other than my mom would believe the difference, and it’s only because she has witnessed it.  It’s incredible.  I don’t know what happened, but I’m certainly not going to complain.  Tonight, my godfather’s son, who before this evening I’d never met, crawled up next to me and laid down.  You can’t beat that.  You can’t.believe me, I’ve tried.  (Well, there might be one or two substitutes, but I don’t imagine either of those scenarios are in my immediate future, barring some kind of pretty quick change from my normal behavior and activity set, which doesn’t seem likely.)

So yeah, that’s been today.  It’s been a good day.  (I didn’t have to use my AK.)  I’m going to bed.  Tomorrow, five hours, and about 300 miles to home.  Who will I call first when I get in?  *winks*  Only I know, and I’m sure not going to tell.  I know who I want to call, but I don’t think my pride will allow for that.  (A man’s got to save some shred of his self-respect and dignity, doesn’t he?)  And I can type that with full assurance that no one has any idea of what I’m talking about.  AMDiscJockey, if you’re reading this, and you haven’t heard from me yet, you will soon, brotha. 

Peace all.

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