Freud’s Fieldday

For those of you who don’t know, Sigmund Freud (probably the most famous crack-head ever), the famed psychotherapist wrote a book entitled, On the Interpretation of Dreams.  That having been said, I think he’d have a fieldday with the following.  Consider these dreams:

The dream in this entry, 12/22/02, about being married, a dream so real that when I woke up, I literally threw an arm out across my bed, thinking there would be someone there.

“I was rushing to the church, and driving like a maniac. All of my worst nightmares about driving were coming true in order. (Elderly drivers in front of me, speeding ticket, stopping at train crossing, etc.)I knew I was late for something important, but that’s not an experience that’s unusual for me. What was unusual was what came next.

I hopped out of the car, and ran inside, and everyone was waiting at the door for me, they rushed me up to the balcony of the church, where a suit awaited me. In fact, it was a tuxedo. This balcony is kind of a special place for me. It was where the youth group met, and it’s special because of the memories I have there- friends, etc. I looked at the tuxedo, and around the room, and I was alone. I started changing clothes, and I was just putting my tux’s pants on when I got hit by an oncoming train: I don’t want to go through with this. I never did. The thought was as clear as anything I’ve ever thought. It was so real, I actually felt restless. I was sweating. I finished putting on the tux, just enough so I could walk down the stairs and get out of there when my friend Luke (Hi, Luke) came up the stairs and took me back into the balcony to sit me down and tell me how happy he was for me, and how happy he knew I was going to be. I kept trying to explain to him how I was having second thoughts, but he was too busy telling me how happy he was for me to listen to my unhappiness. I decided to leave Luke (bye, Luke) to go and get out of there. This time, when I got to the bottom of the stairs, who is there but my other friend Josh (Hi, Josh), telling me how much fun we were going to have at the reception, and how drunk he was going to get me. He was holding a beer bong, and he kept telling me how I was going to, “do at least one of these” at the reception. Again, I tried to explain my apprehension, but I got no real response. (bye, Josh) This time, I started walking towards the front of the church to see another friend, (hi, Nathanael) and try to explain to him my problem. He heard me, and told me I needed to talk to “Pickle” and that she would know what to do. I think Pickle was an older woman, but I’m not sure. (As a side note, do any of you know an old woman nicknamed Pickle?) I walked back towards the back of the church, just as some music started playing, and Pickle walked up to me and said, “Come on, let’s talk.” I didn’t tell her I needed to talk to her, she just knew.

That’s not the freakiest part of this whole thing though. This dream took a long time to develop. When I woke up, I threw my arm over the otherside of my bed, like you would do if there was someone on the otherside of the bed you wanted to cuddle with. When it landed on the other side of the bed, and came back empty, I woke up completely and started freaking out- I actually expected someone to be there.”

The dream in this entry, 1/26/04, which deals with already being married, and being invisible to my spouse:

“The second one deals with me waking up in an empty bed.  I walk down a flight of stairs and into a bustling kitchen.  A bunch of kids, presumably mine, are doing the usual kid stuff, and just generally being amusing.  Their is a woman there, presumably my wife, but every time she comes into view, I hide my face from her, so that I don’t see her.  She doesn’t acknowledge my presence at all, so it’s like by hiding from her, she doesn’t know that I’m there.  The odd part of that is that I’m sitting right at the kitchen table–totally unnoticed…and it’s not like I’m being avoided.  She just doesn’t know I’m I’m invisible or something.  I’m not sure how to feel about this dream yet.”

The dream I had last night, which again deals with the theme of my marriage.  Check it out as I detail it for you.

I wake up in a strange room I don’t recognize, and look over at the clock.  It’s mid-morning, but for some reason I’m absolutely freaking out.  I start tearing apart my room looking for some clothes, but the clothes I’m looking for I can’t find for the life of me.  I’m starting to get a little crazy looking, when my dad walks in, completely dressed in a tuxedo, and asks me what in the world I’m doing not dressed.  I tell him I can’t find my tux, and he just looks at me annoyed and tells me it is in his room.  So, I run over there in my boxers, and lo and behold there are pieces of it there, but not the entire thing.  I put on the pants, and the shirt, and the tie, but the coat isn’t there.  Dad tells me my brother has it, and so I run to his room.  Then I realize I left the shoes and socks in my room, along with the vest, and so I have to run back there.  The entire pace of the dream is very frenetic, like I’m paranoid about something.  I know who it is I’m going to marry, and I’m in quite a hurry to get there, but the stupid missing pieces of the tux keep slowing me down from getting there.  Finally, after all the rushing around, my dad finally says, “You really need to get your act together.”  Finally dressed, I rush out of the door to the church, presumably, but before I can get there, I wake up.

Weird, eh?  Like I say, Freud would have a field day.  I’ve left out some essential background on what’s been up with me lately, but I think the dreams speak for themselves.  My subconscious doesn’t appear to lie.  Ah well.  Back to work.  Finals week, here I come!

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December 10, 2004

I always have dreams that seem to be telling me something, and it’s usually something I don’t want to hear.

December 10, 2004

I love interpreting other people’s dreams, but I think it’s a bit invasive to do so, so I won’t. You have a good handle on yourself–even your confusion. Just keep working through it–even the greatest happiness takes a lot of work.

December 10, 2004

Have you proposed? 🙂

December 11, 2004

I really believe that what’s going on in a person’s life at the time of the dream(s) have a big impact in interpreting. I wrote a paper on dreams a while ago and I enjoy hearing people’s dreams and helping them realize what they mean, but sometimes people don’t like what I have to say. I also only like doing this if I know what has been going on in the person’s life lately and if they want me to

I used to try to analyze my own dreams, but many of them were a tad obscure and frightening, and so I chose to retain what little sanity I had left and not bother trying to understand.