Considerably More Relaxed.

Mood:  On the fulcrum.

Music: Thy Mercy, Caedmon’s Call

I had a good weekend.  The amazing thing about my recovery time is I let go of my anger these days.  I want to tell you, I much prefer that to holding it until you’re this big ball of anger and hatred.  This is preferable.

Anyways, the weekend was good.  I went and played some basketball yesterday afternoon, and it was good.  I got a chance to make a fool of myself on the basketball court.  Now that my height has been disclosed, you can imagine how I fare on the court.  The amusing thing for me is that really, for my height, I wouldn’t be that bad, if I could shoot.  I can get to the basket, I just can’t make layups.  And my jumpshooting is pathetic.  I can make the passes, I can make the hustle plays and the steals.  I just can’t shoot. My line for three separate 10 minute games, 2pts, 3 rebounds, 3 or so assists, 2 steals.  Sounds about right for a hustle guy, right?  And, I haven’t played in a long time.  Maybe if I get some more playing time, I’ll get some of my old game back.  I used to be able to put up 13-17 points in 40 minute games, back in the day when I played a lot.  Oh well.

Last night, we went to a lacrosse game.  I want to tell you, it might be my new favorite sport to watch live.  There are few things as amusing as professional lacrosse.  I love going to the games.  The rules are set up well, the game is high energy…it’s awesome.  I had a good time cheering the Mammoth to a victory over the lowly Anaheim Storm.  In short, go Mammoth.  I’m considering picking up a jersey.  If only the prices at the Pepsi center weren’t so ridiculous, it might be a done deal.  Then afterwards, we went downtown for a while to Old C’s, a restaurant of choice, and food and beverages were consumed.  I have to tell you, I love the Woodchuck.

Today, I was supposed to go to a workday at a local camp, but instead, I spent the morning giving up the food I had last night.  Such is life.  It’s strange, because there really wasn’t any reason to be sick.  The only thing I can really put together was that I have a touch of the flu, and yesterday, the basketball took away my strength to fight it.  I dunno.  At any rate, the remainder of the day, up until the early afternoon was spent laying in bed alternating between fitful napping and being sick.  I feel better now, so it’s all good, but the early part of the day sucked.

And now, this coming week, I have to write only a single paper, and read only one book.  Hopefully I’ll get more than that done, because it would make next week much simpler.  Knowing me, I probably won’t.  Oh well.

I’m still not listening to my better judgement on a couple of issues, but I’m beginning to think my better judgement might not be better.  Such is life.  I’ll be back throughout the week to give updates.  Have a good week, all.

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