Colorgenics, Part II


I was looking through a bunch of old entries and found one from about this time last year where I did a little mood analysis thing from this colorgenics place.  I took it again tonight, and this is what it said…

“At this particular time you are feeling the results of extreme stress and you are seeking a ‘way out’ but you are pushing too hard. Obviously you need peace, tranquility and contentment. Your temperament is such that you are hoping, unrealistically perhaps, that your desires will shortly be fulfilled (even if at this time you are not quite sure what those true aspirations may be!).

You are a true extrovert, frivolous and outgoing. You need to feel in control of any situation. If matters are not proceeding according to plan you tend to get extremely irritable and perhaps become difficult to live with.

You feel that you should be appreciated far more than you are but no-one seems to care! You feel that you are receiving less than your share and the main problem is that there is no-one to whom you can turn to for sympathy and understanding. The inner stress that you are experiencing makes you quick to take offence but you realize that at this particular moment in time there is little that you can do to relieve the situation.

Presently, you are experiencing stress because of restriction on your independence. You need and seek respect from other people and it is essential that they appreciate you for yourself and not for what they would like you to be. You have your own beliefs and convictions and you would like to be respected for them. You are anxious to avail yourself of every opportunity that may come your way but nevertheless, come what may, you have the need to control your own destiny without imposed limitations or restrictions.

You wish to be left in peace… no more conflict and no more differences of opinion. In fact you just don’t want to be involved in arguments of any shape or form. All you want is for ‘them’ to get on with it – and to leave you alone. “

Again, I’m not going to comment on this.  Highly amusing.

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April 12, 2005

Well no wonder you’re stressed with a 25 page paper and a 30 hour deadline hanging over your head. I did it too, just read my results, can’t remember what they said. I think that’s conclusive in itself.

April 12, 2005
April 12, 2005

Weirdly enough I remember you posting about that test, because I took it too. Hmm, I should take it again.

April 12, 2005

I can definitely relate to parts of that–at least you’re still laughing

I can picture you doing one of two things after reading those results: 1) Like your alternative title suggests, leaning back and cackling like a complete utter buffoon or 2) Staring at the screen, blinking a few times, then biting your lip, closing the windows and go onto other activities. Either way, I’d be amused to see the reaction.

April 13, 2005

I like Hemmingway from what I’ve read so far (which has been The Old Man and the Sea, A Moveable Feast, and some of his short stories) so I’ll definately be reading more of him in the future.

April 15, 2005

thanks for your note. I’ve been slow in acknowledging this transition…maybe a bit afraid of where it will lead. Maybe I need to quit thinking about every road I take leading to a final destination, there’s room to veer off and find another path.