Another survey…Morbid style.

The Death Survey

You’re going to be executed; what do you want to be your last meal?

Hmm…good question.  I think I’d have chicken fettucine alfredo, and a bottle of pinot grigio (maybe a good riesling).  Italian break soup and a Fresh tossed salad.  For dessert, strawberry cheesecake.  After that, a couple of shots and Jack Daniels, and then you can do what you like to me.

If you were being led to the electric chair and the executioner says “any last requests?” how do you respond to that?  Only if by last requests you mean, do it quickly.

Would you rather be burned, frozen or drowned?

I think burned.  It seems appropriate for me.

Describe what you think heaven should be like

Eternity with God, in perfect fellowship with the creator of the universe, with anyone and everyone who is willing to acknowledge God for who He is.

If you died this instant what would you regret not having done or accomplished?

Considering everything, the only thing I’d regret is not investing in the people I care about more.  Everything else is window dressing…the quests for fame, importance, blah, blah, blah.  People are what matter.  Period.

What place would you like to die in?

A quiet forest, perhaps near a lake.  Alone.

Who will be the most upset when you die?

Hopefully, no one.  The people who would be upset are the people that have never really known me at all. (Harsh, perhaps, but true.)

How will people describe you at your funeral?

Intense, Hidden, Passionate, Stubborn, Principled.  (I’m not sure if that’s good or bad.)

What would you want to be reincarnated as? (even if you don’t believe in that)

A homeless person.  No, I’m not kidding.  There are so many things about life I can’t understand because of my infatuation with things.  I’d like to see what it’s like when you have no things.  Besides, it would be a way to understand culture in a new way.

If you had to be buried, what outfit would you want to be buried in?

Guys don’t wear outfits, but if you’re talking clothes, then I’m talking jeans and a sweater.  Why should I be buried in arrayment that is nothing like who I am?  Why spend money on clothing that will be destroyed?  Save the money, give it to needy and bury me in my favorite gray sweater and some comfortable jeans. (And my favorite navy plaid boxers and gray wool socks.)

What music would you want to play at your funeral?

Praise music.  If my funeral is sad and weepy, it might be the only thing that would upset me.  If you’re talking about typical style music, for like a visitation, I’d like to see “Seagull Song” by Caedmon’s Call get played.  Also, “Blessed Spirits” by Vanessa Mae.  One last one I’d like to see played for sure: “All That I’ve Sown” by Bebo Norman.  Others might include, “Bittersweet Symphony” by the Verve, “the Kingdom” by Caedmon’s Call and “Rebel Heart,” by the Corrs.

If you had to commit suicide how would you do it?

If I have to?  What a silly question.  I’d probably skydive without a parachute.  It’d take care of the burying and all.

If you had to kill someone how would you do it?
Silenced sniper rifle.  It’s elegant, and it’s relative hard to catch you when you’re 800 yards away from the target when you get the shot off.  Now if you’re talking vengeance killing, having them see you is key.  So you do what any respectable person would do.  You invite them to dinner, fill them with drinks, and then, when they get up to go to the bathroom because of all the liquid, you surrepitiously poison their food.  It would need to be a poison that would build up over time though, something like cyanide, and preferably something that dissipates in alcohol, so that all the drinks would hide the poisons detection.  It would also need to be something common, so that they could have gotten it anywhere.  I just realized I’ve been talking about killing people for a paragraph.  I’m going to move on.  One last closing remark:  I am a recovering revenge freak.  Consider this residue of that unfortunate stage in my life.

If you had to have a tombstone, what would you want on it?

“If you’re looking for me here, you’re looking in the wrong place.  If you’re looking for me, you know where to find me.”

Who do you know that has died and what did they die of?

Golly.  Both grandparents on my dads side.  One from a heart attack and one from inoperable, metastazised cancer.  Both great-grandparents I knew, both from heart failure.  My friend Geoff, who had CF.  A bunch of my friends parents–mostly from cancer.  A bunch of people from my church.  Some from old age, others from cancer.  I’ve been luckier than some, not as lucky as others, overall, I’d say.


If you could talk to a dead famous person, who would it be? (and you have a translator if they speak a different language)

The Apostle Paul.  I might even be able to understand some of what he said now without the translator!  I think he’s been misunderstood.  It would be nice to get some straight answers and just pick his brain.

Yes or no questions:

Afraid of death? No.
Ever wanted to die? Yes.
Believe in an afterlife? Yes.
Ever die in your dreams? Occasionally.  What’s worse is watching others die, and being unable to save them…that happens in my dreams all the time.
Ever come close to dying? Once, While mountain-climbing.
Ever witnessed a person dying (in real life, not movies or TV)? Yeah.  It wasn’t pretty.
Cry at funerals? Yes, though usually that is for me, not for the person who has passed.
Cry when people die in the movies? Depends.  Dying heroes in war movies gets me everytime.  Braveheart, Gladiator, Saving Private Ryan, all of these reduce me to grief.
Would you have fun being a ghost? Nope.  I’m too boring to be a good ghost. If there is such a thing.

Well, that was morbid.  But interesting.  Ah well.

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