And Now, for a Few Random Thoughts

I’m in Detroit airport, getting ready to catch a flight to Providence.  I left home this morning to spend two weeks in wild and wacky New England.  Should be a good time.  The new job certainly has it’s perks, that’s for sure.  The longer I spend in this new job, the more I realize how good it truly is.

A few random thoughts:

People who design bathrooms with 4 urinals are idiots.  If you’re wondering why, all you need do is understand male bathroom etiquette.  4 urinals means a necessary waste of 2 urinals.  5 Urinals makes much more sense.  I’m just saying.

Airplane seats really need to be bigger. The lady next to me on the flight from Chicago to Detroit should’ve had to pay me rent for the space she borrowed.  My armrest wouldn’t even go down.  I’m sure it was uncomfortable for her as it was for me, but sweet God!  Again, I’m just saying.

If you live on the Gulf Coast, shoveling snow 4 or 5 times a year now doesn’t look so bad.  Yet more reasons to believe that the upper midwest has got a huge advantage over the rest of the lower 48.

Does anyone have an eggtimer to measure how much longer Jessica Simpson’s career will last?  She’s made her token bad movie.  I predict the Hilary Duff era is soon to follow.  I’m not sure how to feel about that, as a male.

I’m a fatalist.  I’m still convinced I’m going to die young.  At the rate I’m going, I’m likely to be the only 80 year old worried about dying young.

Is there any excuse for jewelers?  I know DeBeers has a monopoly on the rock market. I get it, I get it.  But that having been said, buying diamond jewelry has got to be the only purchase you can make where you spend a huge chunk of change and still walk off feeling like you’re a cheap piece?  There should be mandatory therapy sessions that go along with buying diamond jewelry.  (Again, no questions please.  You’ll know when there is something to know on this front.)

Chicken.  Try it.

Midway airport isn’t nearly the ghetto that it’s been made out to be.  If I was an equal distance from both O’Hare and Midway, and someone said, "Hey, it costs the same, where do you want to fly out of?" I’d likely take Chicago Midway.

I tried getting tickets to a Red Sox game while I am out east.  Figured it might be possible.  Then I looked at the schedule.  The last weekend of the season, who’s on the schedule?  You guessed it, The New York Yankees. In a completely unrelated story, anyone know a good sports bar in New England in, say, North Attlesboro, Massachusetts?

There may still be a chance I get to go to Foxboro to watch the Patriots play the Chargers on October 2.  But not a very good one. 

I have the feeling I’m going to spend the majority of the next 13 days with people that are at least twice my age.  I have no feelings about this.

The Green Bay Packers are going to be horrid this year.  Geoff Jenkins and Brett Favre are twins separated at birth.  These two facts are in no way related.

The Milwaukee Brewers have a legitimate chance to finish as a winning team this year.  The last time that happened, I was worried about wearing my new Starter jacket to Rec Night at the old middle school.  I had 2 friends, my brother, and a book.

I’m out of here.

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September 22, 2005

Chicago Midway used to be a total dump about 20 years ago. They’ve really pumped some cash into that airport. In the late 60’s/early 70’s, it was almost a ghost town. The neighborhood a little bit north of there is not a good place to be hangin’ out regardless of ethnic or racial background.

September 23, 2005

my own list: 1)have fun with the geezers 2)i’m entirely jealous you’re going to boston. I don’t know of any bars there, because the summer I spent out east i was working as a chaplain and obviously was a good girl (hmmm…slight fib, that) 3)thank you for familiarizing me with male bathroom etiquette and the odd image that information produced 4)what do you mean, no questions???

THAT’S what the f___ I’m talkin’ about! Good to have you back.

May god bless you with a safe journey with some good merorable moments and a bit of a rest to boot! love,your sister in Christ,

October 11, 2005

RYN; I know where you’re coming from. That’s where I always was for the majority of my life until midway through this year, and so because I’ve finally broken free I hate any relapse that gets me scared into thinking I’m going back there. Honestly? I would rather die than face all of that again. It’s no fun, and it’s not really living at all. Don’t worry that your note seemed to be a downer.

October 11, 2005

And, although I can’t say for certain, I believe that this isn’t going to be something always with you. One day, I don’t know when, that sun is going to shine permanently for you. I believe that from experience; it just takes a while to get to that turning point, but once you do, you come to a place where you can understand why you had to go through what you did.

October 11, 2005

Finally; my life isn’t actually all that interesting when it’s being lived out day to day. I mean, there’s still the same routine of getting up and dressed, brushing teeth, cooking meals, paying bills. It just so happens that all the good stuff happens crammed into one month, leaving me free of intrigue for the other eleven. But if writing a memoir is the path I take, I promise you a free copy!

October 11, 2005

I love your diary… well this entry specifically.. thought I’d throw that out there.

Hi, you will probably be pleased to know that I also keep the seventh day as my holy day as God asked us to do at creation and in the Ten Commandments. I look forward to this wonderful day every week.It is the highlight to my days, as I truely enjoy spending this peaceful time with our dear Lord Jesus and our heavenly Father.I also love to go out into the creation and see the beautiful things

God has made.I take the time to study things closely and see the the tiniest details he has included in everything.The Sabbath truely is a wonderful blessing for all of us who choose to keep it! i was just wondering do you belong to a church that keeps this day, or do you keep just for yourself?