A Whirlwind Tour of the Recent Past

Well folks, I’m back.

I expect to be able to write more than I have the last couple of months, but then again, that’s not exactly saying very much. 

If you read my last entry, you’ll see that I had just finished my semester at Seminary, and was getting ready to come home and start the new job.  More has happened since then which I COULD write about, but let’s start with the basics, shall we?

First, I’ve moved back to Wisconsin.  After I finished up my seminary work, I packed up the car, and drove home with all the belongings I could fit in my little Chevy Cavalier.  As you may remember, that car was in an accident about a month before I left, and to say I was nervous about driving cross country with all my belongings in a car that had just been in an accident would more than a little understatement, but, as it turned out, it worked out well.  God has been gracious to me lately.

I returned to Wisconsin just in time for a required Seminary level class on Sabbath Theology that my denomination requires I complete before they will accredit me.  As is usually the case when I get to take part in those critical thinking exercises, I was inspired and came out with a recharge on my passion and about a thousand new ideas for what needs to be done for our small conference in terms of promotion of our theology and so forth.  The thing I’ve never been able to understand is how someone can sit down, open their Bible, and not see the seventh day (Saturday) Sabbath as the day of worship.  I have my opinions about how that works for the vast majority of people (namely, they don’t think about it at all), but it still amazes me.  There is only one day in all of Scripture suggested as the day of worship.  There is only one day in all of Scripture set apart and made holy by God.  There is only one day kept my Jesus, Peter, Paul, Apollos, and all the rest.  That day is the seventh day, the Sabbath, the day we call Saturday.  *steps down off soap box* *ahem*

The very next week after that two week class was done (we had to write a 30 page paper during that two week time), I started the new job.  The president of the Historical Society flew into town, and she gave me a crash course over about three days of what I’m expected to do.  The job is challenging.  I feel like I’m climbing Everest.  There is lots that needs to be done, and much more that should be done.  I won’t be short on work for the next three years, that’s for sure.

From that week until the first week of August (about six weeks), I was frantically trying to get my feet under me in the new job and get ready for our yearly denominational Conference meetings, at Hope College, in Michigan, so that I could represent my new employer well.  For the first two weeks of August, I was meeting with people and promoting the work of both the General Conference and the Historical Society.  Now, as you know, I’m fairly introverted, and need my time alone.  Since I didn’t get much time by myself at Conference, I took most of last week to kind of get refocused.  Caught up on sleep, spent some time with Brittany (who is doing splendidly, btw…), and played some World of Warcraft (Gwalchavad’s now a 60 rogue!).  In addition to all that, I got to participate in the wedding of a friend and former youth group member.   That about brings you up to date on the details of where I’ve been.  I could say more about how "things" (broadly interpreted) are going, but I’ll save that for another day.

I hope and pray that things have gone well with all of you over my long absence.  I hope to catch up on your diaries and hear from you all soon.  Blessings!

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August 24, 2005

It’s good to hear from you again.

August 24, 2005

Ah! You were here! You’ve updated! (I know you already know this, I just thought I’d exclaim it anyway) I’m very excited. I have no time to read properly now but will be back in due time to read and say hi. Y’know. Just in case you were wondering.

August 24, 2005

Just jumping on the train to say, “Yay! You’re Back!” Missed you, man!

August 25, 2005

he’s alive!!! i think there might be things in this entry i’d like to comment on, but i’m completely zoned out right now, so will merely say hello and trot off to scavenge for food and sleep.