A Sigh of Relief

Well, folks….

I passed my Greek final.  I got a 79.  I only needed a 70 to qualify for next year’s Greek classes, and I needed that same 70 to get a B for the Semester.  I managed to do it.  I’m pretty relieved.  It means I don’t have to take the whole series of classes again.  That pleases me more than you might know.   Apparently, I know a bit more than I give myself credit for with the old Greek.  Of course, I don’t know as much as I should, because I only score 79’s and 80’s on the test.  But there is time for me to learn.  I’ll be studying over the summer, so hopefully my skills will increase. 

Today is the day for my Old Testament final.  I’ve done pretty well in this class all along, so I’m hoping that this test won’t be an exception.  I’m about to head to the Seminary and log a couple of hours of studying before the test, so I’m not too worried about that.   Tomorrow’s exam is going to be a bit more challenging.  First, it’s at 8AM, and for those of you who know me, you know that at 8AM the cobwebs in my brain are still in full effect.  It doesn’t help that we’re being asked to memorize and write verbatim from the Bible version of our choice 1 Corinthians 1:18-31 and 1 Timothy 6:6-16.  Trying to remember sometime I’ve memorized at 8AM on any day is a stretch.  When I haven’t memorized it yet (heh heh)….well, it might be asking a bit much.  Oh well, such is life.

Tomorrow night, my roommate and I and a bunch of friends are going to a Rockies game.  It should be a good time.  They’re playing the Pirates, which isn’t as preferable, but really, it’s a social occasion, so it’s all good.  At this time next week, I’ll be on the road back to WI, the final leg of my journey.  I’ll probably be somewhere around Omaha.  It’s a strange feeling to know that I’ve got such a short time left in Colorado until I leave for the summer.  There were a bunch of things I wanted to do this year that I haven’t got a chance to do yet.  That is kind of a bummer.  For example, there is a really good Thai restaurant in town that I haven’t had a chance to check out yet.  I’ve been meaning to go to the Tommyknockers brewery, and that hasn’t happened.  And the list goes on.  Luckily, I’ve got three more years.  Lucky me.

After the exam tomorrow morning, I’ve only got one exam, my NT exam on Thursday night.   The prof said we could come early and take that one if we so desired, so I might go early so I can get my party on early.  My roommate and I were talking about repeating a first semester ritual and hitting up the Old C’s downtown after we finish the exam.  I might be down for that plan, depending on how much work I manage to get done between then and now.  *shrugs*  We’ll have to see.

The remainder of the week, once the work gets done, will be wrapped up in getting everything packed up and ready for the summer, and getting the house cleaned up as well.  I’m a fanatic about cleaning, as has already been elucidated, and so I really, really, REALLY want to leave this house in a condition that it will ease me to return to in the fall.  I don’t want to show up when I get back and have the place be a mess.  That’s not good for the hometeam.  You want to avoid that if you can.  Besides, we’re having friends move out here and they have a little one, so it will be important for the house to be clean.  Somehow, small children know where the dirt is, and they find it.  I don’t want to be the cause of that dirt, if I can help it.  *shrugs*

Anyways, I’m going to go grab some lunch.  I’ll be back at some point.  Till then, peace.

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