A Glutton for Punishment.

Mood:  Schizophrenic.  (No, seriously)

Music:  Not Myself, John Mayer

The ski trip was a blast.  Seriously good times.  No major injuries to report.  I took a turn too tight and planted a thumb that’s all jacked up right now, but that’s the worst of it.  I’ll take it.  It had been too long since I was skiing last.  I wasn’t very good today, and I ended up skiing the easy runs all day, which is fine with me because they’re less demanding, and you can enjoy the run more than worrying about busting your head on a tree.  With the size of my heed, I need to avoid any chances of having it find a tree.  Trust me on this.  The worst injury I sustained was jamming my thumb into the ground while taking a turn to sharply.  If that’s the worst of the injuries, I call that a victory. I went with my roommate and a cool friend from the Seminary, but it was strange, because I spent most of the day alone on the slopes, with my headphones in, just getting my relaxation on.  I love the feel of the skis, and the lack of stopping power, the air rushing past my face and the sun.  Yeah.  It’s nice.

And, prepare to hit the bruised area with a hammer in 3…2…1….

It’s a melancholy trip, leaving the mountain to come back down to Denver.  It’s so peaceful up in the mountains…to come back down to the chaos of the traffic and stuff, it’s a hard thing.  I want a cabin up in the mountains.  I want one badly.  Either that, or a beach house.  Think I’ll be able to swing either on a pastor’s salary?  *smiles*  Maybe they have stuff like that upstairs, and I’m putting in my reservations for one now.  I don’t know.

I’m an idiot.  This cannot and will not be argued.  One definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result.  If that’s true, I’m about a millimeter from going over the edge.

I took some nice pictures of the mountains today.  I’m going to take some of the house and the seminary over the next couple of days.  I figure it will be something I can show people when they ask me what Colorado is like.  I’ve got to live for another 6 weeks or so without losing my mind. After that, things will calm down for about three days, and then I’ll be back in the tempest again.  Such is life.

I’m still seething over Wisconsin getting a 6 seed, and then having to play an underseeded Pittsburgh in the second round.  I consider this a grave injustice.  Someone will pay.  Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon, and for the rest of their lives.

Have you ever noticed how “today” is “toady” spelled sideways?

Listen, to all my peeps going through relationship difficulties right now, keep your collective chins up, alright?  The storms will pass, this I promise you.  Hang in there, the answers are coming.  I prescribe for all of you to watch Swingers and drink copious amounts of Tropical Punch Kool-Aid.  And, on that odd note, I’m done for the evening.  Peace, folks.

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