A Brief Entry to Commemorate the New Year

It’s a beautiful day, sports fans.

Actually, it’s 2AM, and it’s snowing to beat the band outside. Sometimes, I miss Wisconsin, and other times, not so much.  I’m not sure which time this is yet.  If I was snowed in with Britt, it might be more amusing than this.  But this isn’t altogether bad, either.

I spent the last couple of days of 2004 in northern Wisconsin with my bro and sis-in-law, a good friend and his splendidly awesome girlfriend, and Britt.  We were at a cabin up near Hayward.  It was a good time.  I spent 4 days doing essentially nothing.  Before the naysayers tell you that’s what I usually do, I’ll have you know it was very relaxing in a way that my regular life is not.  I had some time to relax and think about stuff for the first time in a long time.  It was quite envigorating.  And of course, when you live 1000 miles from your girlfriend for most of the year, it’s great to spend time with her no matter how you get it.  Getting time at a remote cabin with close friends can’t be beat.  One might call it a best case scenario.  I’m not sure what two would call it.

2004 was a rather bizarre year.  I would say more, but I’m afraid that it would bring outcry from the huge myriad of people who hold at least one different opinion than mine.  And besides, I plan on writing a book, so why would I let you read it for free here?

I’ll be heading back to Colorado in about two weeks.  At that time, you can expect to hear more from me about a whole bunch of stuff.  Until then, this might be all you hear from me.  I hope and pray that you will all have a blessed 2005.  Till next time, this is your flight crew, signing off.

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January 5, 2005

Happy New Year!!! Glad to hear that your’s started well. later,

January 8, 2005

I’m still alive in 2005 🙂 I was blessed to spend it with my Dad and brother. Zack and Dustin actually went to the Youth Lock In at Church while my dad fell asleep and I tried to stay awake w/ help from Cora :). Hayward! My best friend from gradeschool lives or lived there and they own a gaming farm on a lake, just beautiful. We’d get at 7 every morning just to go jet skii

I expect, like your publisher, to be given an advance copy of the book before it’s release so I can clarify some facts and read over what exactly you plan to say. Nice to see you all of two times over Break, you little punk.