4:06 AM

Mood:  Surprisingly Awake
Music:  She Will Be Loved, Maroon 5

Today was a good day.  I got a lot of things done.  I got out a letter to my church.  I went to a really cool church service downtown in an old garage.  It was with a bunch of people who I don’t normally hang with, and they had some issues I don’t–drug problems, etc, but it was refreshing to see how the Gospel reaches people of such different backgrounds, and with such different problems.  One of the guys gave a testimony about how he had someone give him some stuff the other night that he had to get rid of, because he’s recovering, and how hard that way for him.  It was awesome.
Tomorrow should be similarly eventful.  I need to go rent some skis for the big trip up the mountain on Wednesday.  I can’t even tell you how stoked I am for that.  It’s going to be awesome.  The weather still looks like it’s going to provide sun and weather in the mountains in the 60’s.  To me, that sounds like shorts and t-shirt.  I’m pretty enamored with the idea of skiing in the Rockies in that attire, if you haven’t figured that out by now.
Tonight, my roommate and I decided we were going to eat lots of meat.  So we went to the store, got a whole bunch of meat, and then we cooked it ate while watching Gladiator.  There are so many great quotes in that movie.  There are so many that you can’t even get to really thinking about one before another one hits.  I think my favorite section is still when Maximus is giving the cavalry the pep talk before the battle at the very beginning…”Hold the line…stay with me…and if you find yourself riding alone in green fields…”  I shiver just thinking about it.  I love that movie.  I need to get to Europe.  Seriously.

This week has been remarkably calm so far.  I’m expecting for all heck to break loose tomorrow, just because this can’t continue.  Or maybe it can.  It will probably be calm this week and get all serious and freaky next week, when I’m trying to get back into the school groove.  Ah well.  Whatever.  It’s peaceful here and now.  That’s enough.

I cleaned the entire house again today.  I’m not sure what my infatuation with doing it is, except that it’s hard for me to feel peaceful when the house is cluttered.

I think for the first time in my life, I fully vocalized exactly how pessimistic I am about people, and about how much hope I have in Christ.  I’m not going to hit you all with the heavy details, but let me say it to you like this:  I don’t think I will ever accuse myself of being an optimist again.  I didn’t realize how pessimistic I was until tonight, when I said what I’ve been thinking for a long time.  If I wasn’t so stubborn, I’d almost call myself a defeatist.  Lucky for me, I don’t know when I’m beat.  I figure if God doesn’t take it laying down, I sure won’t either.  As a quick hint, my pessimism had to do with the how possible change is with the church in this country anytime before the inevitable fall of this country from the heights of world power.  And I don’t think that’s too terribly far off either, btw, comparatively speaking.

Ah well.  It’s a beautiful day to be alive, isn’t it?  The sun is about to come up and start shining, the bees are soon to start buzzing.  The birds are soon to start their racket.  And I’m going to bed.  Lovely, isn’t it?  Blessings.

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