
Mood:  Relaxed.

Music: 3×5, John Mayer

It’s been another peaceful day.  I’d like to string a few more of these together.  Seriously.   I slept in this morning, and then cleaned up the house again.  I’m getting ready to make dinner right now.  Yeah, it’s late for dinner, but I’m not that concerned.  When I eat isn’t a big deal to me at this juncture.  If it was during school, eating at 10PM would vex me.  Such as it is, it’s not a big deal today.  I think I like this mood and music thing on the top of the entries.  I should keep doing that.  No promises I’ll be able to find the music I want at the time, but I guess that’s the risk you take.  I might not even be able to find lyrics for some of this stuff. Anyways.

Today, I did some reading, I did some cleaning.  Tomorrow, I’ve got a meeting with all my mentors out here.  It will be interesting to see how that goes.  Here’s hoping we talk about something other than me.  At this juncture, it would throw a hitch in my giddyup if stuff got too heavy tomorrow.  I’m hoping that since this is the first of these meetings (yes, there will be more than one) that we’ll spend a lot of the time just introducing one another.  That would be more than ok with me.

Tomorrow, I need to go get fitted for my tux.  And I wanted to see the Passion, maybe that will happen tomorrow.  I do have to go and get some supplies for a service project we’re doing this weekend, so that will probably take up the time I would have used to see the Passion.  Maybe I’ll go see it Sunday.  I dunno.  I’m not too worried about rushing to the theater to see it.  The closer I get to Easter with that, the happier I’ll be.  For that matter, the closer Easter gets, the happier I’ll be.

I want to play basketball this weekend.  I hope I can convince people to do that instead of volleyball.  I like volleyball, but I really, really want to play b-ball.  It’s been too long since I’ve played that.  Ah well.  Dinner time approaches.  Tonight’s menu:  my Chicken Alfredo, served on a bed of fettucine.  Sounds tasty.  I’m out.  Peace.

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