The return of the weekly theme.

Have you ever been in love with somebody who could not return your feelings?

Yes.  It was a horrible situation.  I’d rarely felt so deeply and it hurt a lot to realize that my feelings would never be returned.  I struggled with this for a long time…

But then I moved on.

Your first vibrator is always the hardest.


(You knew this was coming)

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April 16, 2005


Touching, I’m all misty eyed and I just can’t stop the tears. (I quiery? Can penises cry?)

April 16, 2005

ryn: very cool, you’re seeing boyfriend right? should be a fun trip

April 17, 2005

You went back to center alignment, jerk.



yeah, death to the center alignment infidels! allah akbar!

April 17, 2005

Conversation from last night’s party:HER “I’ll just get it up the ass.” ME “You know, it hurts the first time.” GAY GUY “What, are you kidding me, it hurts everytime.” ME “Well, that’s probably because it’s an exit, and it really only opens one way… out.” I was too drunk to figure out how the conversation got started. Spent the last hour (literally) watching two drunk guys try to get

April 17, 2005

two straight girls to kiss each other… actually, that one’s worth an entry all its own.

April 17, 2005

Well, um…I’ve never heard of a vibrator being part and parcle of the ninja weapons..but….um…well, good luck with that.

April 18, 2005

RYN, from quite some time ago: What branch is Jamis in, any way? Personally, the marines are MY least favorite, but, well, ya know…. GROWL.

April 18, 2005

i just laughed out loud at work and everyone wanted to know what i was laughing about. but i couldn’t tell them and i look like a freak im sure

April 18, 2005

RYN: yes, definitely ouch. But, on the good side, it lasts for more than ten years!