Summertime and the livin’ ain’t easy.

It’s finally summer-y ’round here.  Thank God.  There’s nothing better than coming home from a 5-hour-long class (where, at one point, you compared a vein in your teacher’s head to the vas deferens of a dogfish shark…which will surely net you an F in the course) and just collapsing on your bed in the just-the-right-temp warm air.  Mmm.  It’s even better when you have big, billowy drapes to let down and watch dance around your room.

Apparently, it only takes a half a shot of vodka to make me that fun kind of tipsy where your jaw tingles a bit.  I just made my special take on a classic drink:  The Drunken Ninja Midori Sour.  Here’s a hint:  It involves absolut citron.

I’ll have to tone it down, I guess…it’s a bit too strong for an after-work drink.  It’s more of a ‘let’s get tore the fuck up’ drink…although, in that case, I make it with two shots vodka.  Mmm mmm good.  Maybe I got tipsy because I drank on an empty stomach, having eaten dinner hours ago.

Work today was t3h suck.  I had tons of work…which luckily made the 6-hour-shift (short, I know!) fly by…but it was so MUCH work, that I was late closing.  Also, I had a bunch of redneck children infesting my store.  In my fantasy, I took bats to their heads…but in reality, I just told them to stop running around my store and to get out right now.  RAWR.

Boyfriend called me today to tell me that he received his orders to go to D.C. this weekend.  So far, we don’t know if the trip is cancelled, but they sent him his orders ANYWAY, through a clerical error…or if the trip is back on.  We’ll know tomorrow when he gets off work.

If he DOES come, I don’t know how much hot sexx0r there will be, as I figured he wasn’t coming, so I didn’t skip my period (ahh, the joys of the pill).  I will be starting the day he arrives in America.  Obviously, my uterus hates me.

I’m thinking quite seriously of going on that Seasonale stuff.  I should probably make an appt. with a real gyno (not the school health clinic) to ask some questions and perhaps make the switch.  4 periods a year.  Hawt.

I’m out, bitches.

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April 20, 2005

all in all, I’m a fan of the patch myself, but hey, you never know. And why do I care about birth control? I’m not going to get laid until june and even then the chance is slim as his mother will probably confiscate his penis.

April 20, 2005

Get an IUD! It’s all the rage now, and oh so much fun to get. I thought you ninj0rs were all into neat little gadgets?! I’m sure it could double as a mini crossbow! You know you want it.

April 20, 2005

:::clears throat::: the Vas Deferons of a dogfish shark? Preytell Ninj0r dear . . . how art thou familiar with the genetalia of the male dogfish shark?

I say WOO-HOO for Implanon. Muah. – A.

April 21, 2005

I think your uterus just wants to be hugged.

April 21, 2005

i’m sorry… 4 a year? i didn’t need to know that… but then, nobody put a gun to my head and said “read this”, so… i heard from somebody that sex on a period felt good…. buuuut, that person was a sick f*ck, so… i dunno… any normal people want to support that statement. i wouldn’t know, i’m abstinate.

April 21, 2005

how do u skip a period?????? ahahaha ur like me every special occasion, every birthday, every holiday, every trip i will surely have my godforsaken woman cycle

IUD. 5 Years. Though, you sort of have an irregular period for the first year, after that, it’s 4 years of smooth sailin’. (*There’s a very subtle hint in there. Should you be fortuitous enough to perceive it, I shall reward you with the ancient Okinawan Mountain Village Style of the Inverted Woodpecker of the Iron Beak.)

April 24, 2005

RYN: You wuss, Sin City almost made you puke? It wasn’t even that violent. The Amityville Horror was more gory.