Like a Phoenix from the ashes, I’m covered in soot

[Static Ninja] is no more.  Let us all shed a tear for her wonderful beauty.  Let us also send a donation of $100 USD to  Come on people, quit being such stingy pussies.

Anyhoot, I’m here.  Again.  I’m not leaving OD, or anything like that.  I’m just entering the OD Witness Protection Program.


From now on, I’m Static.  All names will be changed to protect the innocent and give me a massive headache when trying to remember who’s who.

After some careful consideration, I’ve decided not to import all of my old entries over here.  As such, I will be running a “Best of…” thing for awhile.  It’ll be its own chapter, methinks.

The DM is transferring my subscription to this diary, but I don’t know how long that’ll take, so it’ll be a bit before there are such things as chapters and happiness.

And so, there you have it.  I’m here, I’m alive, and no, my diary front page won’t be that crappy forever.

Aligned Center Fo’ LIFE, BITCHES!

Log in to write a note
April 10, 2005

Hmm mysterious.. hehe. Welcome back, I guess!

April 10, 2005


April 10, 2005

being the criminal justice major that i am, i need to say something, i dont know exactly why you changed over, or how secretive you want this diary to be, but there is a location search function, and i dont know who would be motivated enought to try that, but since your location hasnt changed its still possible to find you. just figured i’d point that out.

Oh. You’re alive.. … … … *Cries* Muah. – A.

April 10, 2005

The center is an alignment destined to fail. Come over to the left side.

April 10, 2005

I want to know why you changed your name.

April 10, 2005

yay! claps for static.

I agree with Chthon. It’s a new diary, time to start fresh, with an all-new, all-not-retarded left alignment!

April 10, 2005

wow– it’s like a new andy warhol of an old campbell soup.

um. what’s with no private notes? okok, welcome home, yo.