Fuck you, creepy redneck man!

Aligned center, BITCHES!

Good news and bad news for you all.

The good news:  My subscription was finally switched over to this diary, so I’m OD plus.  Woohoo!  Chapters and happiness to follow shortly.

The bad news:  There is a 99.9% chance that Boyfriend is not coming Friday.  🙁  I am le sad…But I’ll survive.  I’ll see him in July.  Mrah.

I went out today with ChineseTexan and her girlfriend, BitchyGermanGirl.  It was a pain in the ass.  ChineseTexan had been promising me all weekend that she’d spend some time just with me, but she kept bringing BitchyGermanGirl along, which meant that everytime it looked like fun might be had, BitchyGermanGirl stalked off to pout and be comforted by ChineseTexan.  So…Tonight, I said that I’d go bowling with them and some of our friends but only if ChineseTexan would eat dinner with me, alone, as I was upset after Boyfriend telling me he wasn’t coming and needed comforting.  BitchyGermanGirl was predicably pissy, esp. since we were going out to a chinese buffet and she likes chinese food.  WhatEVER.  Just give me 5 minutes to eat with my friend, will ya?  I haven’t spent time with her alone since you dug your claws into her vagina and latched on like a leech!

…In that analogy, I guess wallets are stored in vaginas.  I apologize for any confusion.

I had fun eating with ChineseTexan.  We chitchatted about nothing and just relaxed.  We also threw insults at one another, which is always fun.  It’s good natured hate.

I told Roommate about how pissed I was at BitchyGermanGirl and she took her side (surprising, since they don’t like each other).  She kept saying how pissed SHE’D be if her friends went out without her and didn’t invite her.

…I think there was a hidden message there!  HMMM!

I’m a little upset by that comment, as Roommate doesn’t much like ChineseTexan, either.  She goes to her parties sometimes, but only if I drag her.  I always feel like it’s my (unwanted) responsibility to make sure she gets to have fun and occasionally I get a bit resentful of that.  Like tonight.


After dinner, I went to reserve lanes at the bowling alley (every-once-and-awhile, we do a white-trash nite…it involves bowling and waffle house) while ChineseTexan went to pick up people.  When I walked in (alone, mind you), a guy walked up and said to me in the world’s most hick-esque accent, “You need someone to bowl with, baby?”

“I have a party coming to meet me.  I’m fine.  Thank you.”

He walked off and I thought that was the last of it, but once the group got there (all college girls), he kept coming up to us and bugging us.  He hit on every single one of us in a most lewd and disgusting way.  Eventually, one of the girls told him to get the fuck away from us and he left…which opened us up for a younger, more disgusting guy to come and bug us.  He followed us to the door and asked if we wanted to go home with him.  Ugh.

I hadn’t intended on bowling tonight, so I was in a way-too-short skirt.  It definately flew up twice, showing the entire alley my underwear.  Thank god I was wearing a bikini-cut pair of panties instead of my normal thong/g-string!

We hired a new girl at work to replace Idiot Coworker (thank fucking god).  Idiot Coworker has gone to work at a Claire’s in hburg…the manager there hates her, but needs pre-trained employees.  She’s apparently only supposed to get one chance.

She may have blown it today…She came in 30+ minutes late.  The manager was PISSED.

The new girl, MissPreggers, is pretty sweet…which is rather boring when you’re used to biting sarcasm.  She’s the anti-me…young, married, pregnant, high school education and fine with that, not political, dreams of being a housewife.

I’m young, dating, terrified of kids, planning on going to med school, political, and dreaming of working myself to death.

Still, we get alone well enough…she and I won’t see much of each other, except for the next few days while I train her.  Tomorrow, we learn how to pierce ears!  Woohoo!

She looks so much like my ex-hall president (freshmen year) who became a porn star, it’s scary.

This is who I’m talking about:  http://www.firsttimeauditions.com/main.htm?id= (porn site, be warned)

She’s the girl on the top banner, far left.  Something fun to do…scroll through the different girls and read they’re likes, dislikes, etc.  They’re hilarious.  I esp. like the girl who wants a guy ‘with morals’.  You’re in porn, honey.  It ain’t happening.

Most of them, for their secret desire, want to be on TV or some variation of that.  I get the feeling these girls didn’t write them personally.  I mean, if you look through the pages, apparently 6 separate girls want to bang Howard Stern on TV and/or have him shave their pussies.

Here’s Evelyn’s thing:  http://www.firsttimeauditions.com/main18.htm?id=nd5000  Scroll down.  She lied about her age, btw.  She was 20 when she did this, not 23.  And she told US she was going to be an underwear model!  AHHHHAHAHAHAHA!

Ok.  Enough of that.  I’m off to take a bath; I hurt my back bowling 🙁

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April 18, 2005

Oh, good lord. See? That’s why I hate people who want to be famous. When I spent time in theater school, there was a girl who was runner up for Miss Teen America. She is now a stripper I believe. And what the hell is up with those pictures? That’s not even the decent porn industry. They’re supposed to wear condoms. and sorry about boyfriend. Realy, ninja dear

April 18, 2005

ewwww usually a porn site has at least one decent looking girl, but they were all gross…ill give them the benefit of the doubt and say that they were just bad pictures X-/ ickyyyy… anyway, sorry about boyfriend’s possible disapointment, love. hopefully things will work out in your favor with him visiting…

April 18, 2005

sorry about the boy…. hope bitchyexcoworker gets fired.

Aw, Ninja. I’m sorry about your boyfriend. I hope he does get to visit.:-/ Is everyone from your school a pervert?

April 18, 2005

If underwear means “shoes,” perhaps she didn’t lie to you. And what is this obsession with shaving…..and being shaved by Howard Stern? WTF!

April 19, 2005

Why might boyfriend not be coming down? x

April 19, 2005

Boyfriend would be here already if you had left alignment.

Creepy rednecks + stupid porn girls + no show boyfriend = teh sux0r. 🙁

April 21, 2005

I always find it kinda sad when I see someone I know in porn (so far, I’m 0 for 500) on women I know in porn, so everything’s cool, yo. I did know this girl that had was giving a friend of hers a blowjob and he filmed it and put it on the net, but that’s totally different (here in Alabama, we don’t call it porn, we call it exploitation). I still laughed, mostly cause she asked for it. ho-bag.