Monday/ light therapy/ grocery shopping
So today was/is Monday.
I had a phone call with my nurse practitioner, we can’t go into the mental health building
for an appointment because of covid. And the pharmacy has been mailing our medication
so we do not have to stop by the agency. Which is fine because it saves a trip.
At 10:25 my dad picked me up to take me to light therapy. I have a condition called psoriasis
of the hands/and feet. Look it up, it’s interesting, sometimes painful, sometimes itchy or both.
My dad got gas for his car while I was in there. Then we went to get Donatos, I got their Chicken Harvest
salad, but it was too much, and I got a personal sized Hawaiian pizza, my dad got a personal sized pepperoni.
We ate at the park, and did one lap, lots of joggers. Then we went to the grocery store. I spent like $60 and
I only wanted to spend $40. Oh well, I might not need to return later this week.
Then I came home. I still have a lot of cleaning to do. I’m watching Amy Maryon on YouTube,
I like her and her values and her large family. If I had had a family I would have wanted it to be
large, but as it turns out, having kids isn’t in my plan or whatever.
I should read sometime, make my bed, put away laundry, deep clean the kitchen.
—————- M.
OMG!! I love hawaiian pizza. Pineapple SO belongs on pizza!!
@lyricalheart I totally agree!!!!!!
@starshine57 🙂
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I am more of a meat lovers kind of girl when it comes to pizza and some basic vegetables, but I am not crazy about onions.
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