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March 25, 2012

Your entry stood out to me because a lot of people go through that. You give your all in the hopes that the person will love you too. But with this type of love it doesn’t work. No matter what you do you can’t force a person to love you. If you’re inlove with him then you’re gonna have to figure out how to deal with those feelings alone and on your end. And if you were inlove then it would’ve

March 25, 2012

worked out and you wouldn’t be going through this. Here’s a lesson learned if you choose to learn it. If you feel that a person you’re involved with doesn’t love you the same way that you love him and you know it and if they don’t appear to want to work on the relationship and be invested then don’t waste your time and just go. You can’t fight for something that another person doesn’t want to

March 25, 2012

fight for. It takes two to make a relationship work and love to blossom. If the love isn’t there then it simply isn’t there. Being in an unbalanced relationship and having the boundaries being not properly balanced like that isn’t gonna serve anyone any good. When you give your all for someone who doesn’t love you and appreciate you then you lose yourself. And that’s why you’re so lost and

March 25, 2012

confused. You thought that you knew who the person was but you don’t. So now you’re forced to deal with these feelings. Just do yourself a favor and accept it and move on love. If they’re not interested then there’s no sense hoping it will change because it won’t. Don’t become lost in the fantasy of it and get out. With unrequited love you don’t get the best out of yourself.