

…And the crowd roars!

I can’t really call it an answered prayer, but only because I didn’t actually bend my knee and call to Heaven. Nonetheless, I am thankful.

A few hours after my last entry, my unexpected houseguest’s car died while he was twenty miles away, at work. He ended up being forced to stay with his (very estranged) family on that side of town. Which was ugly.

But in the mean time, feeling a bit more sane from my breathing space, I lit up the Batsignal and managed to dig up an old friend of both he and I, to whom we had not spoken in a year or two. Said old friend just recently hurt his back and was off work… AND had his roommate move out on him.

And for just a second, the cosmos came together in a nebulous figure that patted me on the back and said, “By the way, Starhawk, I think you’re a helluva guy. Despite all the rain.”

Yeah, wow. So Houseguest is safely ensconced in an apartment where his commute to work will be minimal, and where he will have his very own bedroom instead of feeling like a third wheel on my living room floor. The Fair Maiden and I get to feel like human beings again, and less like growly bears with thorny paws. And said Old Friend gets someone to hang out with and help him make rent.

Good all around. How often does THAT happen?

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April 3, 2007

God loves you!

April 3, 2007

How about that? I hoped that you would get the YOU time that you needed, and within an hour, it happened. I must be good luck for you!

April 4, 2007

That is awesome, and I am glad Fate extended her hand without snatching it away.

April 4, 2007

that’s excellent. i like it when things work out. it is rare. but it does happen. Good news.

April 4, 2007

aw crap. Voodoo really works.

April 5, 2007

Holy cow….that’s pretty rare. I wish everything worked out that way.

April 5, 2007

RYNRMN: yes, sex can lead to a deeper and more fulfilling relationship!

April 8, 2007

That is very, very good news. I’m so happy it worked out so perfectly! Too perfect, almost … I bet you paid off Fate or something. 😉