Update, and Dieting – Day 1



I do feel I owe an update, since – again – it’s been a while.


Surrogate Princesses

Mimi, almost six years old, is doing brilliantly.  She started kindergarden this year, and is bored she says.  Poor kid.  She’s really quite smart and already being well ahead of the kindergarden knowledge, I don’t blame her.  Her dad is talking about having her tested for a gifted school up here.  That would be great!

Cassidy, 17mo, she’s something else.  Her mom is over in England for a few difficult reasons right now.  I worry for her, she’s such a very dear and close friend.  She also is an amazing mom!  Cassidy is one very stubborn and opinionated child, and her mom can match it quite well and keep Cassidy well in check 🙂

Loraine, is almost 3mo now!!  She is so beautiful and growing so fast.  I’m still pumping for her, which is time consuming but absolutely well worth it!  She smiles the cutest gummiest smile, which reminds me of Cassidy at her age, and is a pretty easy going baby.  She doesn’t like stress though, and prefers things to be quiet…. she was just the same way when I was pregnant with her 🙂  Mimi is in absolute heaven with her baby sister, Loraine, here finally 😀

My own muchkins

Jonah, almost 12yo, just began at an alternative school.  Last year I had to pull him out of public school for reasons that were leaving me *head desk* in frustration.  He did great, and now it’s time for him to learn to work with other kids again, just not back in the public school environment.

Alyssa, 9yo, is doing great!  That girl can make friends so easily, and has such a sweet charm about her.  She’s on top of things also, being sure <repeatedly> that I haven’t forgoten something that she needs. She just went through another growth spurt again, time to get more clothes!

Katie, 4yo.  An absolute and complete sweetheart.  I have to remind myself of that when she *screeeeeeeeams* when her brother or sister does something to bother her.  A habit that we’re trying to work on ceasing.

Me, Myself, and I

And now it’s my turn.  Me.  Hmm.  Well, this is part of the reason I’m back here again typing.  Think it would be neat to type about all of this as things go along.  Since the birth of Loraine, I have been very frustrated with my body.  Although I was very thankful for all the work my body has put out to grow all these little lives, I was having a very difficult time with how I looked.  How  much extra weight I had on.  Anyone who has recently had a baby, and especially those with more then one child, will most likely understand where I’m coming from.

I am still pumping for Loraine, and will until December.  When I am lactating, my body stubbornly refuses to let go of the weight.  I’m occasionally thought about stopping sooner then December, but how incredibly selfish is that.  I’ve already given her 9mo of my life to grow her, I can give five more months to give her the best start at life possible.  I have two more months to go.

So, I contemplated on what I could do regarding a diet.  I wasn’t going to restrict calories.  I had to be cautious how much I exercised.  Both of those cause my milk production to drop.  More reading, researching, and contemplating, I’ve come up with a conclusion on the best direction to go that would provide the cleansing effect my body needed, the fiber as well as calories in needed to consume, as well as the natural fat intake that I needed.  I am all for the strong cleanses, but that’s not what was right at this time.

About 10 days ago, I ate only raw foods for about five days.  My body sure preferred it.  On the third day I tried to enjoy a McFlurry from McDonalds when I stopped to get the kids all an ice cream cone… and it tasted like plastic.  The candy tasted like plastic with a little flavoring.  It truely was gross, and I could feel it working it’s way through me, and finally to my abdomen.  I felt much better once it was gone.  Guess we wont be doing that again!  Around day 7, I started adding in little bits of cooked foods here and there.  For example, I made a stew for the kids with a vegan seasoning – it had carrots, barley rice, onions, potatos, fresh basil, and a few other things.  It was unbelievably delicious.  Although, I still don’t feel as comfortable afterwards as I do when I don’t eat something cooked.  It’s odd.

I started out at 195lbs, and quite quickly came down to 187lbs.  But, as of this morning I’m 189lbs, although I’ll give that I hadn’t pumped yet which is quite a bit.  I’ll weigh myself more accurately tomorrow.  I do it first thing in the morning after using the restroom, and usually after pumping, before starting the day.

Some of the recipes that I’ve made are truely unbelievable.  As I type along here I’ll post them along the way 🙂

If someone was to ask the type of style I’m eating, it’s mostly raw food/vegan.  I’ll go more into this next time.

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