
Every time I come here I feel like I’m taking a big breath in preporation to share all that has gone on since the last time I typed.


Chase:  This is a 13yo that moved in with me back in November.  Long, very sad story behind him.  But, long story somewhat short – I pulled him off all of his meds the third day he was here (weaned off of the two he had to wean off of for safety reasons) and stuck hard fast to rules that I put into place the first night.  Life here was hell for him, structure he hadn’t had before and hands that weren’t hurting him but a "mom" that was extremely tough.  At his IEP meeting in Feb. his future was talked about, the ISEP teachers thought I was crazy for thinking he could attend a mainstreamed High School, thinking he could do things that no one has ever been able to teach him how to do.  Two months later, after requesting a reevaluation last month, we sat for the results as part of our discussion yesterday at an IEP meeting.  A child that was baaarely in the average range on IQ (78) and below average near everywhere else…… now is scoring Average for IQ (96 – a raise of 18 points!) and average to ABOVE average on all of his other testings.  The other thing he’s below average on is when he has to put pen to paper and write what he’s been told.  This has never been easy for him.

But, I had to make a decision that ripped at my heart, mainly because he had tried SO HARD these last five months.  To have him repeat 8th grade.  Not at all because he’s not smart enough, this kid is BRILLIANT, but because he really does have a chance at succeeding and he has more maturing to do and basic fundementals to learn.  This kid, in five months, has grown form a "third grader" to an average "eighth grader".

I love this young man so much.  I am so thankful for that day that he showed up on my doorstep crying, asking to live with me, and parents that didn’t want him back in the house (looooong story, but I can understand their position).  Now he has the best of both worlds, my home with the structure and guidance for his needs, and he still has his family who live right down the street – he still has his mom 🙂


Weight Loss – Loraine (surrogate baby) is now 8mo.  Reaching the end of her pregnancy, it was the first time that my weight really bothered me.  I pumped for her for four months, and then started researching diets/ways of eating.  I tried a feel, and observed how I responded – the benefits to each diet, but also why it doesn’t always work.  For a while I had the family on a "raw food" way of eating (which really was amazing, I sure prefer that way).  There was the Lemonade Clease (Nice! But I have some theories on this also).  Watching Calories.  Portion Control (biggie).  No sugar.  Watching carbs.  And the list goes on.  I have learned SOOOOO much from from each of them, as I continue to research…. I love researching.  Maybe more of my pondering through different diets is more trying to find the way of eating that I want to hold onto long term.  What does my body need?  Where are my weaknesses?

So I’ve thrown in the towel and with all of my research, I’ve come up with my own list of what I’m going to be doing for quite a while now.  My way.  That’s how it always seems to work best anyway. 😛

Food, I am working more on the alkalinity of what I consume each day, trying to keep it 80/20.  I’m not going to be a terrible stickler, if I want to taste something that is acidic I will. Such as, yesterday I had a delicious blended mocha 😛 LOL  Ok, not good, but ohhh it was soooo good!

Water, often it’s acidic.  Drinking water that has been alkanized or adding fresh squeezed lemon juice to created the same effect.  I am a TERRIBLE water drinker, so have to really work on this.  My understanding is that water intake effects the matabalism, but before I can stand behind that one I have more research to do first.

Suppliments, I still need to add into my diet a muli-vitamin.  But, for now I’m taking the acai berry (so incredibly good for you in so many ways, including fertility, brain from the omega 6 & 9, and other great benefits – – yes, I know it’s the HUGE "wonder drug" for weight loss right now but that’s not the reason I’m taking it), and Chlorophyll.

Exercise, I hate walking.  I do.  Walking on the roads is so boring.  I do have a jogger, and I have a baby carrier for my back.  There’s no reason I shouldn’t be walking every day.  I hate it though.  And I just don’t seem to have the time to go to a gym, which is also boring.  But, what I do love, is HIKING!  It also burs almost twice as many calories.  I loooove to hike.  We have some gorgeous trails in this area also, and have found myself spending more time out walking the trails – – even with the kids in tow.  The kids are looking forward to more hikes, and camping later this year.  I do have a friend I am trading babysitting with, so may try to go swimming on Friday’s when I’m childless 😀

This morning I weight myself after doing this for two days.  A few days before that I was 184, but went up a bit – although I think it was water retention and such.  This morning I was 182.  So, I am going to use the 182 as a starting weight.



For those that remember Cassidy, my almost 2yo surrogate daughter, we’re talking about having a sibling for her.  Yay!!  She’ll be a big sister!!  But I really don’t want to start until I am down to 150.  Besides looking and feeling better about myself, and my health being better (knees don’t hurt, not so tired, etc) this is another reason for working to get my weight down.





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