
I read here often, but have ended up writing little. I’d like to become better then that, maybe as I find the time. Time. That’s a concept. All single mothers out there, or stay-at-home-moms…. raise your hand if you have "time" to do anything, really time, such as for yourself. Whenever all the kids are gone and I’m by myself, I feel like a lost puppy. Unsure of what to do with myself! haha

The puppy is doing well, now a near 10 week old Golden Retriever. Wait, did I mention in any of my latest posts that we were getting a puppy? I gave in. My son has been asking for years for a puppy and finding a litter of puppies when they were 13 days old, being raised in a home with kids and being able to meet both the parents in person. I fell in love, and we were able to visit as they grew. Lots of pictures taken. Now we’re in the fun chewing stage and teasing – as I was typing this she grabbed the laptop cord and danced backwards taking it with her. She really has turned out to be a great dog, I adore her 🙂

I delivered my gorgeous (surrogate) daughter back on May 20th. It was an amazing labor and delivery, although it was the first labor (and the end) that I bawled. It hurt, terribly. I stalled at 8cm, the suspection was that the baby’s head wasn’t quite positioned ideally. It was the whole "on hands and knees nipple stimulation" that did it. I hate that. Contractions hurt enough without encouraging more pain with nipple stimulation. The midwife wanted five good contractions. It was a relief to finally get off my knees and tummy over pillows and relax back on my side again. The whole labor was great though, perfect actually (besides that whole stupid thing *points above*) . Her mama delivered her, with the midwife watching over. That was as close as I could bring her into delivering herself – her daughter she’s waited so long for. She lifted her up to me and knelt next to my side, next to us. It was amazing. I’m still just astonished, and thankful, of it all 🙂

The kids are all doing well. Katherine knows how to turn on the charm to get what she wants – those beautiful blonde curls and sparkling blue eyes and grim don’t help one bit! LOL She sure is precious! Alyssa, she is so much like me. She is magical, the only word I can really find for her. In these last few months she has really matured and grown in size. She looks at me differently, in an older way. She sure is amazing! Jonah, my little man, is now down at his dad’s for the next month. I sure am missing him already! He comes back at the end of the month for a few days, and then flies up to my parents in Alaska for two weeks. He sure is having one heck of a summer!!

My son. He had one hell of a 4th grade year with his teacher. He tried to tell me how terrible she was, how he’d try to talk to her and she’d shut him down. He’d list off things that happened and I passed it off as typical things school kids complain about. He was right though, she was mean 🙁 Basically he didn’t pass – but of course he moves on which is good. He hates school now, he doesn’t want to go. He’s lost faith in teachers. I decided to meet the one teacher he asked for for 5th grade and love him. He’ll be perfect. Now, to push my son through into his class when I know I’ll face battles on it. It’ll happen though, or else I’ll pull him.

I’ve met someone – sorta – kinda – well he has my curiosity quite peeked. He’s a teacher. I’ve been chatting with him online for over a year now and finally met him in person last weekend. He’s a single father of a 4yo daughter, and they came out to meet me, the kids, and the horses. Unfortunately I was a bit tied up working with a horse and could barely visit, but we ended up at Dairy Queen later. The kids played, we chatted. He’s a very nice guy, and if anything else, another to add to "great friends". But we’ll seeeeeee 😉

I finally rode for the first time in a long time, last weekend. I was working with the horse I started under saddle, on the drill team. It was incredible to work with her again, although difficult at the same time. She is one that needs lots of praise and shines with it, but her confidence was blown – – it took a bit to haul it back out. She is SOOO incredible, it’s hard not to fall back in love with her all over again and adopt her myself. She constantly tries so hard to please and do everything that is asked. I ride her again tomorrow and sure look forward to it!

Well, that’s about it… for tonight anyway. Hopefully I’ll have pictures to post soon.

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